


2017/08/14 16:54:49 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:217 移动端

美国的本科教育基本分成哪几类?我们所理解的美国的本科教育往往是比较狭隘的,有些人可能只知道常春藤名校,知道哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿 其实美国的本科教育所涵盖的内容很多,从学校的分类上来看,包括文理学院、大学、社区学院、本科三四年级学院、农业, 技工, 和其它专业学校等等,这些都是美国本科教育的范围之内。下面我们来具体分析一下。




提供人文, 社会科学, 基础科学等教育。 大部分是私立本科。 班型偏小, 学生对老师比例很好, 每个学生能够得到充分的关注。

Liberal arts colleges offer a broad base of courses in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences。 Most are private and focus mainly on undergraduate students。 Classes tend to be small and personal attention is available。

大学 Universities

大学提供的专业更多, 班型偏大, 有研究生给本科生授课。

Generally, a university is bigger than a college and offers more majors and research facilities。 Class size is often a rlection of institutional size, and some classes may be taught by graduate students。

社区学院 Community or Junior Colleges

社区学院一般两年学习后发给文凭, 有点像我国的技工学校, 学生毕业后就可以进入就业市场。

Communitycolleges offer a degree after the completion of two years of full-time study。 They frequently offer technical programs that prepare students for immediate entry into the job market。

本科三四年级学院 Upper-Division Schools

本科生在第三年转入此类学校。 这里提供的大三和大四的教育。

Upper-division schools offer the last two years of undergraduate study, usually in specialized programs leading to a bachelor s degree。 Students generally transfer to an upper-division college after completing an associate s degree or after finishing a second year of study at a four-year college。

农业, 技工, 和其它专业学校 Agricultural, Technical, and Other Specialized Colleges

为专门的职业发展做出准备, 如果已经明确将来的发展方向, 就有很多选择, 比如艺术, 音乐, 圣经,商务, 健康, 以及师范等。

Has your child made a clear decision about a career after college? Specialized colleges emphasize preparation for specific careers。 Examples include Art, Music, Bible, Business, Health Science, Seminary, Rabbinical, and Teaching。


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