您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> “多疑”当选《剑桥词典》2017年度词汇.
It's that time again, when publishers reveal theword or words that they believe encapsulate theyear.
As many readers will know from previous years, welike to base our word on what our millions of usersworldwide have been looking up over the course ofthe year.
And what a year it's been: in June, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, causing great uncertainty in the UK and across Europe (even now, the only certainty we haveis that Brexit means Brexit); then, in November, after a vicious and divisive campaign, thepeople of the United States elected businessman Donald Trump as President ahead ofpolitician Hillary Clinton, in one of the most extraordinary political stories of modern times.
Add to this the ongoing backdrop of a bloody civil war in Syria, several terrorist attacks aroundthe world and numerous celebrity deaths, and there can be no denying that it has been aneventful and worrying year.
As ever, global events are rlected in the words you look up on our site. So what single wordhas had the biggest increase in searches over the whole year?
Ladies and gentlemen, the Cambridge Dictionary Word of the Year for 2016 is paranoid.
Why paranoid? Searches have risen hugely this year, over four times more than in 2015.
We cannot, of course, know exactly why users are searching for a particular word, but itsuggests perhaps a feeling that the institutions that have kept us safe can no longer be trusted, that the world feels more uncertain than it did a year ago.
When we look at other words that have shown similar increases, we can build a fuller picture: anxiety, chaos; a feeling that societies are breaking down; increases in prejudice, bigotry andbullying; and people feeling nostalgic for what are perceived as simpler times.
But perhaps it's not all doom and gloom: another word that has seen a big increase in searchesis adorable – maybe our users are comforting themselves with videos of cute animals, andtrying to think happier thoughts?
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲