


2017/08/14 10:31:17 编辑: 浏览次数:229 移动端


  1. “Do I have to take a drug test?”


  If you’re interested in the company’s drug policy, the natural assumption is that you’re a user and will not be a dependable employee.


  Don’t ask about a drug test in the interview. You want to leave the interviewer with your best impression. True, marijuana is becoming more widely accepted across the United States, but it’s still illegal under federal law. Employers can even ruse to hire you for medical marijuana use.


  2. “How did I do?”


  Interviewing is like dating. You need to have confidence in yourself – not too much or too little. You shouldn’t ask your date if they’re having a good time, and you shouldn’t ask the interviewer how you did at the end of the interview. It kills the mood and might cause the interviewer to think you’ve been putting on a show.


  3. “When will you be calling my rerences?”


  This may appear to be a harmless question to ask toward the end of the interview, but you may come off as being too eager to land the job.


  4. “What is the salary?”


  The adage “whoever brings up money first loses” applies to a job interview.


  When it comes to salary and job benits, let your potential employer discuss the matters first. You should be ready for negotiation by doing your research on industry salaries. Even if you can’t negotiate a higher salary number, you may be able to increase your job benits.


  5. Anything listed in the job description


  General career advice says you should ask at least a couple questions during the interview so you show interest. However, that doesn’t mean you should ask anything just for the sake of making conversation. If you ask the interviewer something that is already covered in the job description posted, you could be seen as someone who doesn’t care enough about the job to read the details.


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