您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 迪拜的那间七星级酒店,内部让人大吃一惊!.
Gold plated iPads in every room, a revolving bed inthe Royal Suite and 17 types of pillow that can beselected from a menu - there is nothing modestabout the seven-star Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai.
Which is perhaps why the seven-starestablishment, equipped with its own helipad, isthe most powerful hotel on social media, beating allits competitors with more than half a millionInstagram followers.
While only true members of the global elite could afford to stay here - low-season rates startat 1,000 pound per night and run up to 19,500 pound for the Royal Suite - that doesn't stopthe rest of us, it seems, from scrolling through their Instagram feed with mouths agape.
The Burj Al Arab, shaped like a sail to represent Dubai's nautical heritage, was created torepresent the pinnacle of majestic Arabian culture.
Its candy-coloured entrance atrium, to start off with, stands at 590 feet, significantly tallerthan New York's Statue of Liberty.
All the accommodation in the hotel comprises duplex two-floor suites - there are 202 in total - filled with plush carpets and pristine furniture, and every suite is served by its own butler.
The palatial Royal Suite is fit for a maharaja, with an exquisite lounge, library and cinemaroom, along with two master bathrooms, each with full-size jacuzzis and separate five-headrain showers.
The Burj hosts nine signature restaurants in total, including Al Maharba, which wraps around acircular aquarium filled with multitudes of colourful fish and even sharks.
这里有包括Al Maharba在内的9间特色餐厅,该餐厅四周有环形水族馆围绕,里面有很多色彩斑斓的鱼,甚至还有鲨鱼。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲