


2017/08/14 09:54:52 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:168 移动端

  A 17-year-old student attending the Wuhan Britain-China School, has been accepted to study at theprestigious New York University, Abu Dhabi, regarded as one of the most selectiveundergraduate universities in the world.


  Mao Yue is the only student in Wuhan to be granteda full scholarship by a foreign university this year.


  The scholarship is worth 2.13 million yuan, about 310,000 U.S. dollars, which is to cover tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, travel expenses and round-trip tickets from Wuhan to Abu Dhabi.


  It's reported Mao has always excelled in her study, passing the TOEFL with a score of 96 whileat middle school. She wrote around 100 English papers during her three years in high school.


  Mao is also said to be very active in out-of-class activities, carrying out field research, enteringsports competitions, and even conducting investigations on Wuhan's urban redevelopment.


  'The scholarship wasn't the most important reason for me choosing this university. More than 70 percent of the students are international students and around 90 percent of them are able tospeak at least two foreign languages. I like communicating with people from different cultures,'Mao Yue says.


  'I have a great interest in economics and politics. I hope I can do research in both areas,' Sheadds.


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