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  1.When the other side misunderstands and you don’t have a duty to talk


  Why waste words when the other side is not making the fort to understand what you have to say? Silence can never be misquoted. Let them learn through experience and you will save your peace of mind.


  2.When two parties are arguing


  Don’t get involved. If you intervene you may come under fire. Maintaining stoic silence on your part is best.


  3.When you have no idea what you’re talking about


  Empty vessels make more noise. It is best not to say anything if you have nothing meaningful to say. Your words will carry more value when you speak only to make a sensible point.


  4.When you need someone else to get the credit


  You rlect quiet confidence in your abilities when you smile and let your boss or team take the credit for your work. The goodwill thus created will ensure your success in the long run.


  5.When you are bragging instead of sharing


  It’s best to be humble and let others appreciate you than to toot your own horn. Quietly focus on your work and let your hard work speak for you.


  6.When you want someone else to grow


  Some people will criticize you just to provoke you into an argument. Don’t allow them the pleasure.Take the high road and show restraint. They are coming from a point of weakness themselves and would love to see you react negatively. Being silent makes you more powerful.


  7.When the other party in negotiation starts debating against itself


  Silence is the best reply in a negotiation. Many people feel uncomfortable in conversation gaps and may start revealing more than they should. You can then pick a weak point that will work in your favor.


  8.When you want to avoid angry outbursts


  Don’t be like the matchstick that flares up on slightest friction. It causes destruction and then fizzles out for good. Move away to a quieter place. Drink some cold water if possible. Take deep breaths and calm your mind. If you were wrong, there is room for rational brainstorming. If it’s righteous anger, silence is the best way to let the other person know they did wrong.


  9.When you want to listen to your inner voice


  When I want to make major decisions, I find a quiet spot where I can be alone. Away from external distractions, I try to silence the inner clutter of my mind. Breathing deeply always works. Sitting in silence with a calm mind gives me a clearer perspective on things.


  When you listen to your inner voice, you can problem-solve most fectively.listening to yourself in stillness increases creativity and lowers stress.


  10.When you receive negative feedback from your superiors


  Accept it quietly, assess it, learn from it, improve and grow.

  Iris Johansen rightfully said that “Silence and Smile are two powerful tools of successful people. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid many problems.”


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