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  A generation has now grown up with the internet a part of everyday life but, as yet, we still don’t know enough about how platforms such as Facebook and Instagram affect mental health. With cyberbullying on the increase, the need to find out is pressing.


  In April 2016, after years of relentless bullying in school and on social media, 17-year-old Felix Alexander took his own life. After his death, his mother Lucy wrote that the bullying “began with unkindness and social isolation and over the years with the advent of social media it became cruel and overwhelming”.


  Tragically, Felix’s experience is all too common: according a McAfee poll of 11- to 17-year-olds in 2014, 35% reported that they have experienced cyberbullying, up from 16% the year bore. Another organisation found that Google searches for “cyberbullying” surge at the start of the school year.


  Jean-Baptiste Pingault, lecturer in developmental psychopathology at University College London, says that cyberbullying has certain distinctive features: “With classical bullying you have safe spaces [places where the bullies can’t go, such as home], but with cyberbullying, technology is often on all the time so you are constantly exposed to the risk.” He notes, too, that cyberbullying makes it possible to be “bullied by people you barely know”. Much of Felix’s abuse on social media was from people who had never met him.


  Funded by mental health charity MQ, Pingault is now about to start a large-scale project analysing data from three studies to assess the long-term impact of both traditional bullying and cyberbullying, with the aim of identifying risk factors and creating an opportunity for early intervention.


  Social media has changed all our lives. Facebook now has 1.8 billion active users – a quarter of the world’s population. But it has a particular impact on the generation of young people who have grown up with the internet, and for whom sites such as Facebook and Instagram are a part of everyday life. The ability to write something hurtful without seeing the other person’s reaction means that social media can very quickly become a hostile place.


  Its negative fects can extend beyond bullying. If you spend a lot of time thinking about what you’ve seen while you’re online, that might be more likely to lead to depression.


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