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Nearly 60,000 individuals had their visas cancelled asa result of President Donald Trump’s immigrationclampdown, the state department said on Friday.
美国国务院周五表示,总统唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)对移民的压制导致近6万人签证被取消。
The disclosure came shortly after Erez Reuveni, animmigration attorney with the Department ofJustice, put the number at 100,000 during a Virginiacourt hearing over a petition by two Yemenibrothers who had been affected by the travel ban.
就在这一消息公布不久之前,美国司法部(Department ofJustice)移民律师埃雷兹鲁文尼(Erez Reuveni)在弗吉尼亚州的一场法庭听证会上将该数字提升至10万。这场听证会是由两名因旅行禁令受到影响的也门兄弟申请举行的。
The rival estimates from different government departments added to confusion over thescope of Mr Trump’s order barring rugees and travellers from seven Muslim nations fromentering the US. Both numbers discussed on Friday were far higher than the original figurethat the administration used publicly or the numbers later released by the Department ofHomeland Security.
On Monday, the president tweeted that “only 109 people” had been detained at US airportsbecause of the ban. Sean Spicer, White House press secretary, later explained that the lowernumber rerred to “the initial group of people that were in transit at the time the executiveorder was signed”.
The state department, which controls visa issuance, is reviewing its screening process foradmitting travellers and rugees from the affected countries. On January 27, Mr Trumpsuspended for 90 days all visas from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Thepresident also halted global rugee admissions for 120 days, saying the pause was needed tobolster US dences against terrorism.
In the travel ban’s first 72 hours, the DHS said it had prevented 721 people with visas fromboarding flights to the US and granted waivers to 1,060 legal permanent residents or “greencard” holders.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲