


2017/08/14 09:40:00 编辑: 日本 浏览次数:889 移动端

  Crowds of people plunged into ice baths wearing only loincloths as part of a ritual to purify their souls.


  Chanting as a group, the 100 courageous men and women dared to engulf themselves in a big green tub filled with blocks of ice at the Shinto shrine in Tokyo, as watchers captured the event on camera.


  Many jogged around the the Teppozu Inari Shrine, exercising to warm up bore taking to the freezing water on Sunday as part of the New Year tradition which aims to bring good health.


  "My two children and husband all became ill with flu at the beginning of the new year, so I bathed in ice water hoping that my family will be able to stay healthy during the rest of this year," said Miho Hewa, 48, after embracing the challenge.

  48岁的Miho Hewa女士在完成这项挑战后说:“新年伊始,我的两个孩子和丈夫都得了流感,所以我来泡冰浴,祈祷我的家人在今年接下来的日子里可以保持身体健康。”

  A crowd of onlookers joined the participants in chanting as they stood in the cold water dressed in traditional clothes, with the men in loincloths and the women dressed in white robes.


  The event is usually held inside a shrine on the second Sunday of the year, but this year was held outside in a park, in 2C weather, near the shrine, as it is being renovated.


  "The weather was harsh this year, so I couldn’t think about anything but try hard to do my best to complete this," said Masashi Shimizu, 48, who has taken part in the ritual every year for more a decade.

  48岁的Masashi Shimizu已经坚持了十多年每年参加该仪式,他说:“今年的天气恶劣,我也不知道怎么办,只能竭尽全力完成。”

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