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A horrific video has emerged of a schoolboy being viciously kicked in the head as other children look on.
The footage, understood to have been filmed in Glasgow, shows the boy being repeatedly struck in the head and dragged to the ground bore he is kicked to the skull.
The 27-second clip was uploaded to a Facebook page called ’Glesga Banta’ last week and has been viewed over 16,000 times, with over 100 shares and reactions.
这一长达27秒的片段于上周上传至一个名为“Glesga Banta”的脸书页面,目前已被观看了16000余次,另有100多次分享和评论。
The video starts as one of the boys, dressed in a school blazer, tries to rugby tackle the other and lunges at his waist.
The other boy, dressed in a grey hoodie, then retaliates by kneeing the other boy’s face and lifting his blazer over his head.
The youngster in the hoodie then unleashes a powerful kick directly to the face of his opponent as a grunt of pain can be heard.
A voice can be heard over the footage, saying: ’That was a smashing scrap.’
The boy in the hoodie walks away shrugging his shoulders as the other boy is lt motionless on the concrete, curled up in a ball.
The injured youngster is then seen holding his face as he eventually tries to get to his feet.
Shocked Facebook users were quick to react to the shocking footage, condemning the rude action of the boy in hoodie.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲