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Industry insiders said heavy smog has become themajor driver of winter travel.
The online travel agency Ctrip said on Monday that itexpected to send more than 150,000 travelers tooverseas destinations in December, simply to escape the smog.
UTour International Travel Service Co didn't givespecific figures, but it said the number of travelersin December has increased by 10% to 15% compared with last year, and smog is the major cause.
Travel agencies including UTour, Lvmama and Ctrip said Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei still accountfor the largest number of tourists who want to escape smog.
Domestic tourism destinations that offer a good natural environment and air quality are thebeniciaries, including Sanya in Hainan and Lijiang in Yunnan. Overseas destinations withloosened visa policies also are drawing many Chinese tourists.
Additionally, many lesser-known tourism destinations, such as Xunliao Bay in Huizhou, Guangdong, have gained popularity among clean-air seekers.
"Xunliao Bay is a very small and quiet place in Guangdong province. No one wanted to visitthere bore, because it doesn't have any famous scenic spots," said Wang Zhenyue, thedeputy director of UTour International Travel Service's direct-marketing center.
"However, with many elderly people and children wanting to find a peacul place to rest andstay away from smog, it becomes a perfect choice."
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲