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  Last week photos surfaced of two unidentified Western tourists being paraded around an Indonesian island in a "walk of shame" for alleged tht.


  The images show a foreign man and woman walking alongside uniformed officers on the island of Gili Trawangan, with cardboard signs around their necks.

  照片中可以看到一对外国男女胸前挂着牌子,在身着制服的警察监管之下在Gili Trawangan岛游街示众。

  The signs read: "I am thieve [sic]. Don’t do what I did...!!!"


  The practice of parading those deemed to have committed crimes on the Gili Islands has gone on for many years although its exact origins are unclear.


  After pictures of the incident appeared on social media, including an official Facebook page for the tiny islands, a number of questions have been asked about this unusual ritual.


  The head of West Nusa Tenggara province tourism office, Lalu Muhamad Fauzal, told the BBC that the practice of parading those considered to have committed crimes on the islands came out of an agreement between locals and police on the mainland.


  Most such walks happen on Gili Trawangan, the largest and most developed of the three Gili Islands, off the coast of Lombok, about 40km (25 miles) east of Bali.

  大部分游街示众的现象发生在Gili Trawangan岛,该座岛屿位于巴厘岛以东40公里(25英里)处,是Gili三个岛屿中最大的、也是最为发达的一个。

  Unlike Bali which attracts many tourists from around the world, the Gili Islands are much smaller and considered largely safe and peacul. One circuit of the Trawangan is only about 7km (4.3 miles).


  The police do not have a permanent presence on the tiny islands of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno or Gili Air. Instead, private security officers guard the islands, with support from mainland police when necessary. Most of the guards in the latest parade appear to be private, although at least one appears to be wearing a police uniform.

  在Gili Trawangan、Gili Meno 和 Gili Air岛屿上并没有长期驻点警察,主要是靠私人警卫维持岛上秩序,印尼本岛会在有需要时派出支援。在这组照片中虽然其中有能见到身穿警察制服的人,但他们大部分都是私人警卫。

  "Since there is no police enforcement on our little tropical paradise island, we have our own rules for thieves. If someone gets caught stealing, he or she has to parade around the island," Karina, from the island’s Facebook page, told the BBC. "Later on the person will get banned from the island and is not allowed to return for a few years."


  "It is to make people aware that they cannot visit a foreign country and take what they want without consequences," she added, echoing a widespread sentiment on the islands that the practice is both fair and fective.


  Mr Fauzal said that most of those paraded are locals, although some are foreign tourists who were drunk or "forced to steal purses" as they had run out of money.


  It is not clear whether there is any formal legal basis for the parades, but as the accused generally avoid more serious sanction, some observers have suggested that embarrassment and a ban from the islands is prerable to a court battle and the possibility of a fine or worse.


  Oji Nuria Manggala, who witnessed the parade, told the BBC that the guards accompanying the foreigners said the pair had been caught on security camera stealing a bike.


  However, it has not been possible to identify the pair to confirm the allegations or whether they had any opportunity to mount a dence.


  While locals the BBC spoke to did not share any doubts about the parade, others have suggested that even the innocent might be tempted to opt for public humiliation rather than face formal charges under the Indonesian justice system, which is sometimes criticised for corruption and a lack of transparency.


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