


2017/08/14 09:31:27 编辑: 浏览次数:767 移动端

  Baidu Brain, the AI of China’s Baidu online search engine will go head to head with a human, competing against each other in voice and image recognition, rather than the traditional methods of algorithm, memory and logic, reports the paper.cn.


  Baidu Brain has a strong case for winning, as voice and image recognition rates sit only just below 100%, revealed Baidu’s CEO, Robin Li, at the company’s world conference last September.


  The game will be hosted by the Chinese version of the scientific reality and talent show, ’The Brain,’ where human candidates are chosen for their exceptional brainpower.


  "If ’The Brain’ represents the ultimate brainpower of human beings, the Baidu Brain represents the highest level of artificial intelligence," said Li. "The competition, no matter which side wins, will make a breakthrough contribution to the development of AI."


  Baidu Brain has continually become more complex, it now has a deep neural network of 20 billion parameters simulating the human brain. It includes deep learning algorithms, data modeling, and a massive GPU able to work across parallel platforms, says Lin Yuanqing, director of the Baidu’s Institute of Deep Learning.


  Heated discussions arose last year after Google’s AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol over to what degree AI could challenge human brainpower. Games like these test the limits of AI.


  It also gives the opportunity to see where AI development is by examining the company’s research and development results in the last years, Lin said.


  "Beating human beings is not our goal. It is more important to examine our technologies," said Lin. "If we win, we will continue with our research and development and apply the technologies in our lives. If we lose, we will improve our research and development."


  The competition will air on January 6 next year as the first episode of The Brain’s Season 4.


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