


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:267 移动端

  Barack Obama secured the comeback he desperately needed in the second presidential debate against Mitt Romney, finishing the night on top after a series of fierce clashes in which the two made no attempt to hide the extent of their personal hostility.


  At one point in the 90-minute debate, watched by tens of millions of Americans, the two squared off, only a few feet apart, talking over one another, jabbing fingers at one another and accusing each other of lying.

  Obama needed a big performance after his dismal failure in the first presidential debate in Denver. That 3 October debate was dominated by Romney and started the president&aposs poll slide, leaving the two in a dead heat less than three weeks from election day.

  Obama will have lifted Democratic morale and may have done enough to slow – or even arrest – the crisis.

  It will be several days bore the first reliable polls appear but a snap poll by CNN awarded the debate 46% to Obama and 39% to Romney, while CBS put it as 37% Obama to 30% Romney.

  Obama, listless in Denver, was transformed in the second debate: focused, animated and combative. The president grew in confidence in the later stages of the night, while Romney, confident at the start, began to fade.

  The former White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, reinstated to the Obama team as an adviser, said: "The president knew he did not do well two weeks ago. He knew he had to step up his game tonight and Mitt Romney was lt looking uncomfortable".

  Republicans countered that nothing the president said will have changed the dynamic of the race.

  The two men clashed in the second debate – at Hofstra University, Long Island – over tax, energy, women&aposs rights, immigration and Libya.

  Romney and Obama now have a presidential debate victory apiece going into the final one, usually the most watched of the three, in Boca Raton, Florida, on Monday.




  他在丹佛的第一次总统候选人辩论中令人沮丧的失败后,奥巴马需要一场大表现。 10月3日的辩论被罗姆尼主导,并以总统的投票幻灯片开始,在离大选日不到三个星期时留给两人一场死气沉沉的争夺。








【双语阅读】美总统辩论第二场,火药味十足相互咆哮 中文翻译部分

  Barack Obama secured the comeback he desperately needed in the second presidential debate against Mitt Romney, finishing the night on top after a series of fierce clashes in which the two made no attempt to hide the extent of their personal hostility.


  At one point in the 90-minute debate, watched by tens of millions of Americans, the two squared off, only a few feet apart, talking over one another, jabbing fingers at one another and accusing each other of lying.

  Obama needed a big performance after his dismal failure in the first presidential debate in Denver. That 3 October debate was dominated by Romney and started the president&aposs poll slide, leaving the two in a dead heat less than three weeks from election day.

  Obama will have lifted Democratic morale and may have done enough to slow – or even arrest – the crisis.

  It will be several days bore the first reliable polls appear but a snap poll by CNN awarded the debate 46% to Obama and 39% to Romney, while CBS put it as 37% Obama to 30% Romney.

  Obama, listless in Denver, was transformed in the second debate: focused, animated and combative. The president grew in confidence in the later stages of the night, while Romney, confident at the start, began to fade.

  The former White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, reinstated to the Obama team as an adviser, said: "The president knew he did not do well two weeks ago. He knew he had to step up his game tonight and Mitt Romney was lt looking uncomfortable".

  Republicans countered that nothing the president said will have changed the dynamic of the race.

  The two men clashed in the second debate – at Hofstra University, Long Island – over tax, energy, women&aposs rights, immigration and Libya.

  Romney and Obama now have a presidential debate victory apiece going into the final one, usually the most watched of the three, in Boca Raton, Florida, on Monday.



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