

【新词新意】什么是pub crawl(串酒吧).

2017/08/14 08:39:57 编辑: 浏览次数:119 移动端

  经常听英文新闻朋友往往会听到pub crawl这个单词,大家有时候往往会感觉困惑,为此澳际小编特将这一单词真正的意义告诉大家,希望对大家有所帮助。

Jo: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I&aposm Jo and with me today is Lily.

  Lily: Hello. 欢迎收听BBC 的地道英语节目,在这里您能学到不少字典上查不到的常用表达。Jo 那今天的新语词是什么?

  Jo: Well, in this programme, we&aposre going to look at the expression pub P.U.B. crawl C.R.A.W.L.- &apospub crawl&apos.

  Lily: Hmmm 我知道 crawl 意思是爬 – 可是爬酒吧又是什么意思呢?

  Jo: Well it doesn&apost mean that exactly but almost. In the UK in particular as you may know, going to the pub is a very common thing to do. However people don&apost always go to one pub in one night.

  Lily: Ah, so you might go to more than one pub on a night out?

  Jo: Yes that&aposs right, especially on the weekend. You might go to a specific area of a town and go to a few pubs in one night. We would call that a pub crawl.

  Lily: 怎么使用这个短语呢 Jo?

  Jo: Well, you might say we&aposre going on a pub crawl, or were doing a pub crawl. Here&aposs another example.


  A: What are you doing on Saturday then?

  B: I&aposm going on a pub crawl in town with some friends.

  Jo: In town of course means in the town centre. So have you ever been on a pub crawl Lily?

  Lily: Never, but now I am tempted. How about you Jo – do you enjoy pub crawls?

  Jo: Well, when I was younger as a student, I used to do them all the time but now I prer to stay in one place!

  Lily: I see. Jo 上大学时喜欢串酒吧, 现在嘛,她喜欢呆在一个地方不动劲儿。

  Jo: You&aposve been listening to BBC Learning English – bye for now.

  Lily: Bye!

看完以上的对话,相信大家已经明白了,欧美地区的人比较喜欢去酒吧,而如果他们不是去他们经常去的酒吧,就会被说成pub crawl (串酒吧)。

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