

【新词新意】你是有始无终的“新年计划族” 吗?.

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  New Year’s Resolution

  新年到来的时候,大家都会总结上一年,为新一年许下美好愿望,制定宏伟计划,英语中叫做New Year’s Resolution。不过,我们也知道,计划没有变化快。做了很多新年计划,但没有实施的情况并不少见。

  A resolutionist is a person who joins the gym in earlyJanuary because of their New Year’s Resolution butdoesn’t follow through with it afterwards. Resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty whiteskin, excessive fat, poor form, and blank look on their face as they stand next to any piece of gymequipment. Resolutionists usually migrate back to the couch any time from mid-January to earlyMarch.


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