


2017/08/14 08:34:12 编辑: 浏览次数:268 移动端

  Many who need restorative rest most might not be able to get it. Why? They&aposre in a hospital. Even at night, a hospital can be a noisy place. And research has shown that these noise levels have been rising for decades. 许多处于恢复期、最需要休息的人可能睡不好觉。为什么?因为他们在住院。即使到了晚上,医院也可能是很嘈杂的地方。研究表明几十年来,医院的噪音水平一直在上升。

  A new study finds that electronic noises in particular interfere with sleep. 一项研究发现,电子噪音尤其会干扰病人休息。

  Researchers followed the sleep patterns of a dozen healthy volunteers as they spent three nights sleeping in a lab. Their hours of darkness were punctuated with 14 different recorded hospital sounds played at varying volumes. Even when electronic sounds, such as alarm beeps, were played at the level of a whisper, volunteers slightly roused from sleep. The findings are in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. 研究人员让12名身体健康的志愿者连续三天睡在实验室,并跟踪了他们的睡眠模式。当以不同的音量播放14种不同的医院录音时,他们的黑暗时间就推迟了。即使轻声播放电子声音,例如报警器的哔哔声,志愿者们还是会从睡梦中吵醒。这项研究发表在《内科医学年报》上。 When the volunteers&apos sleep was disrupted, their heart rate increased. This frequently elevated heart rate could be especially bad for recovery. A little peace and quiet could make for a lot more restful nights. 当志愿者的睡眠遭到打扰时,他们的心率就会加速。而频频出现心率加速则不利于身体的恢复。安静一点能带给你更多安宁的夜晚。

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