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  Prince Harry is on his way home from the war zone and says he "can&apost wait" to become an uncle.


  "Obviously I&aposm thrilled for both of them," Harry, 28, says of his brother Prince Williamand sister-in-law Kate, joking, "It&aposs about time."

  “很明显我为他们俩高兴,” 28岁的哈利说到哥哥威廉和嫂子凯特时,开玩笑道,“是时候了。”

  In an interview in Afghanistan, where he served since September, the prince says he had chatted to the couple – and didn’t text or send them a letter, despite reports he had done so – when their news was released in early December.


  "I spoke to my brother and her, and they&aposre both very well and both very happy obviously," he says. "I think it&aposs very unfair that they were forced to publicize it when they were, but that&aposs just the media for you."


  The royal couple revealed the pregnancy prematurely because of Kate&aposs hospitalization due to severe morning sickness.


  Harry, in charge of the weaponry on his crew&aposs Apache attack helicopter, was interviewed about 10 days after the pregnancy was revealed, but his remarks were kept under wraps for security reasons, released now because he&aposs returning to the U.K.


  "I literally am very, very happy for them," he says, "but I just only hope that she and him – but mainly Catherine – hopully that she gets the necessary protection to allow her as a mother-to-be to enjoy the privacy that that comes with. I seriously hope that&aposs going to be able to happen."


  Now that he&aposs back from his tour of duty, is there some pressure on him to follow his brother and find a wife?


  "I don&apost think you can ever be urged to settle down," he says. "If you find the right person and everything feels right, then it takes time, especially for myself and my brother."


  But, as he has hinted bore, it is hard to find the right kind of woman who isn’t going to be scared off by everything else that goes with being with a royal.


  "You ain&apost ever going to find someone who&aposs going to jump into the position," he says. "Simple as that."


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