


2017/08/14 08:03:24 编辑: 浏览次数:218 移动端

  “开会”这个词估计从我们很小的时候就已经很熟悉了吧。班会、晨会、例会、庆功会,等等,我们的生活中经历着各种各样的会议。有些会议可能并不是那么有趣或者 有意义,所以参会的人难免都会表现得有点不在状态,有人甚至会表现出明显的Meeting Affective Disorder,让周围的人大跌眼镜。

  Meeting Affective Disorder rers to a form of boredom that occurs in relation to mandatory meetings, most commonly those centered around a presentation.


  Symptoms include difficulty in staying awake, and delirious hallucinations more commonly rerred to as daydreams.


  I think you have Meeting Affective Disorder, look at the pool of drool on the table from your dozing off.


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