

【双语阅读】传Lady Gaga将于今夏和《吸血鬼日记》男友结婚.

2017/08/14 07:45:25 编辑: 浏览次数:288 移动端

  Lady Gaga要嫁给《吸血鬼日记》演员泰勒金尼了?据Gaga的闺蜜透露,他们彼此都认定了对方,决定于今年夏天结婚。虽然Gaga本人还没有确认此消息,但是我们都认为Gaga姐的婚礼肯定会非常的“不同寻常”吧。

  LADY Gaga and long-term boyfriend Taylor Kinney are tying the knot this summer, according to her close friend DJ Lady Starlight.

  据Lady Gaga的闺蜜DJ Lady Starlight透露,Gaga和交往几年的男友泰勒·金尼决定在今年夏天把终身大事订下来了。

  The singer started dating the Vampire Diaries actor in September 2011 when she recruited him to star in the music video for You And I.

  Gaga和这位出演了《吸血鬼日记》的男演员于2011年9月开始约会,当时她雇他参演了她的MV 《You And I》。

  Gaga and Taylor are currently living together in Chicago while the singer recovers from hip surgery and Taylor shoots a new TV series.


  But it&aposs believed they both have some free time in July.


  Lady Starlight says: "She’s told me he’s the one and you know that instantlywhen you see them together.

  Lady Starlight说:“她告诉我他就是她的真命天子,而当你看到他们在一起时,你们就会知道确实是这样的。”

  "They were made for each other. At first I thought he was too hot to be cool but now I think he’s totally awesome."


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