


2017/08/14 07:42:53 编辑: 浏览次数:387 移动端


  1.Pay Attention To Your Title1.重视头衔

  Don&apost be fooled, title matters. Right or wrong, your title is how people in and outside your organization judge your value to it. Don&apost overlook it。别犯傻了,头衔决定一切。不管是你组织中的人还是组织外的人,都会依据你的头衔对你做出评价。不论这种做法是对是错,请不要忽视它。

  2.Know Your Responsibilities2.清楚你的职责

  Whether you&aposre beginning a new position or have been in the same one for years, it&aposs smart to have your job description and responsibilities in writing. You need to be clear on precisely what your current role is, so that you can make a case for a promotion once you&aposve mastered it。无论你是刚走上一个新岗位还是在同一岗位上工作了很多年,用笔把岗位描述和职责写下来是一个聪明的做法。你需要准确知道你当前的角色,因为一旦你完全掌握了自己的工作,你就能升职了。

  3.Know What You Want Next3.知道接下来你想要的是什么

  In order to advance, you have to know what you want next in your career. By outlining your future goals, you better understand what you&aposre working towards and know what to ask for. Having a plan for your career projects confidence, organization and commitment。要前进,你就需要知道在你的职业生涯中下一步你想要的是什么。通过描绘未来目标,你就能明白你在朝什么方向努力,也就知道需要什么了。制定一个职业规划显示出了你的信心、条理性和承诺。

  4.Watch Your Image4.留意你的形象

  You have to look the part to earn respect. When your appearance is a wreck, people automatically assume your whole life is a wreck。你必须要留意能赢得尊重的自我形象。假如你是邋遢不堪的,人们会想当然认为你全部的生活也就是一个烂摊子。

  5.Don&apost Break Confidences5.守口如瓶

  Keep the &aposconfidential&apos confidential. Whether it&aposs tightly held corporate news or a personal confidence, you&aposll gain trust and respect by practicing discretion。对‘绝密的事情’要保密。无论是涉及企业内幕还是个人隐私,守口如瓶这样的谨慎行为将让你获得信任和尊重。

  6.Have Patience6.要有耐心

  When you&aposre ambitious, it&aposs frustrating to feel powerless over the timing of your own success. However, you should remain patient (but not complacent) with the corporate process of advancement, showing that you&aposre willing to put the time in and have respect for the bigger picture. Furthermore, any decision made out of impatience, usually turns out to be the wrong one。当你胸怀壮志时,你却无法把握成功的时机,这是令人沮丧的。不管怎样,职场人士对企业的发展进程要有耐心(当然也不能自满),要愿意投入时间,同时尊重公司的发展大局。再者,任何在焦躁情况下做出的决定通常到头来都是错误的。

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