

【双语阅读】中国成全球第二大电影市场 仅次于美国.

2017/08/14 07:42:04 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:352 移动端


  China surpassed Japan in 2012 to become the world&aposs second-largest movie market, behind the U.S., with box office receipts in the world&aposs most populous nation up 36% to $2.7 billion.


  The new data, contained in a report released Thursday by the Motion Picture Association of America, underscores the growing importance of China to Hollywood&aposs studios despite the ongoing challenges they face in exporting their movies there.

  美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America)周四发布的报告中提到了上述新数据。数据凸显出,中国对好莱坞电影制作公司的重要性正不断增强,虽然这些公司在向中国出口电影时仍然面临着挑战。

  Last year, concerned that foreign films were taking too big a share of box office, the government-controlled China Film distribution company released some big Hollywood movies on the same date, limiting their commercial potential.

  去年,由于担心外国电影在中国电影票房收入中占据的份额太大,政府控制的发行公司中国电影集团(China Film Group,简称:中影集团)让一些好莱坞大片在相同的档期放映,进而限制了它们的商业潜力。

  Among the blockbusters pitted against each other were &aposThe Dark Knight Rises,&apos from Time Warner Inc.&aposs TWX -0.44% Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures Entertainment&aposs &aposThe Amazing Spider-Man.&apos

  这些需要彼此竞争的大片包括,时代华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业公司(Warner Bros. Pictures)发行的《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises),以及索尼影视娱乐公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment)发行的《超凡蜘蛛侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)。

  In the U.S., those films opened more than two weeks apart. China Film also imposed several &aposblackout periods&apos during which no foreign films were allowed to play in theaters.


  On a conference call with reporters, MPAA Chi Executive Chris Dodd said such issues are &aposstill a concern&apos and that his Hollywood studio trade group has &aposraised our concerns about that with the very highest authorities we have access to.&apos

  在与记者进行的电话会议上,美国电影协会的首席执行长多德(Chris Dodd)说,这类问题仍然令人担忧,并表示,他所领导的这个好莱坞电影行业组织已经就此向他们能够接触到的最高层部门表达了关切。

  China enjoyed the fastest growth of the world&aposs top ten movie markets, an MPAA spokesman said. Total global box office rose 6% to $34.7 billion, thanks to increases Latin America, North America and the Asia Pacific region.


  But declines in France, Italy, Spain and other countries hurt receipts in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, which fell 1% to $10.7 billion.


  Box office receipts in the U.S. and Canada rose 6% to $10.8 billion, as 1.36 billion tickets were sold, 80 million more than in 2011. The average ticket price rose less than 1% to $7.96, after at least nine years of steeper price hikes. Admissions fell in both 2010 and 2011, and are down more than 10% since 2003.

  美国和加拿大的票房收入增长了6%,达到108亿美元,该地区 2012年共售出13.6亿张电影票,比2011年增加了8,000万张。平均票价增长了不到1%,至7.96美元,此前的至少九年里,电影票价的涨幅都更加剧烈。2010年和2011年的观影人数都有所减少,与2003年相比减少了超过10%。

  Last year&aposs positive news hasn&apost continued so far this year, however, as flops like &aposJack the Giant Slayer&apos and Arnold Schwarzenegger&aposs &aposThe Last Stand&apos have helped to drive domestic receipts down 12% so far compared with the same period in 2012.

  不过,到目前为止,今年并没有延续去年美国票房的增长之势。《巨人杀手杰克》(Jack the Giant Slayer)和施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)的《背水一战》(The Last Stand)等失败之作导致今年迄今美国国内票房同比下降了12%。

  John Fithian, CEO of the National Association of Theater Owners, blamed the decline on a lack of diversity in the offerings from studios, saying there have been too many R-rated movies. Based on the films planned for future release, he said he expects that negative trend to turn around by the end of 2013.

  美国全国影院业主协会(National Association of Theatre Owners)主席菲西恩(John Fithian)认为,票房收入下降应归咎于新上映的电影不够多元化。他说,R级的影片太多了。他预计,根据未来计划上映的影片来判断,这个消极的趋势将在2013年年底前发生转变。

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