

【双语阅读】握紧右拳有助记忆 握左拳有助回忆.

2017/08/14 07:17:49 编辑: 浏览次数:358 移动端

  握紧右拳有助记忆 握左拳有助回忆

  Balling up your right hand tightly &aposmakes it easier to memorise lists&apos

  Clenching your fist could be enough to help you get a grip on your memory.

  Research suggests that balling up the right hand and squeezing it tightly actually makes it easier to memorise lists.

  Later, when it is time to retrieve the information, it is the lt hand that should be clenched.

  It is thought the movements activate brain regions key to the storing and recall of memories.

  The American researchers suggest those who are short of a pen and paper should try the trick when attempting to commit a shopping list or phone number to memory.

  In the study, volunteers were given a rubber ball and asked to squeeze it as hard as possible bore trying to memorise a list of 72 words.

  They squeezed the ball again a couple of minutes later, ahead of recollecting as many of the words as possible.

  One group used their right hand on both occasions, another their lt. A third group clenched their right fist ahead of memorising and their lt ahead of recall and a fourth did the reverse.

  A fifth group held the ball but did not squeeze it.

  Those who squeezed with their right hand, followed by their lt, remembered the most words.

  The next best were the volunteers who made a fist with their right hand both times, while those who didn’t squeeze at all did better than those who led with their lt.

  It is thought that the movement of clenching the right fist activates a brain region that is involved in storing memories, while squeezing the lt hand triggers an area that is key to retrieving information.

  Lead researcher Dr Ruth Propper said: ‘The findings suggest that simple body movements – by temporarily changing the way the brain functions – can improve memory.’














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