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  经过数轮激烈角逐,新一届美国总统加勒特·沃克(迈克·吉尔 Michael Gill 饰)诞生,自称水管工的众议院多数党党鞭弗兰西斯·安德伍德(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)在其背后功不可没。然而高傲自大的政客弗兰西斯并未如愿当上国务卿,他为此恼怒不已,发誓要将背叛了自己的沃克拉下宝座。

  利用新总统拟推的综合教育改革法,弗兰西斯操纵《华盛顿先驱报》女记者佐伊·巴恩斯(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 饰)大做文章。初战告捷,他旋即指派手下对新政府展开新的围剿,同时巧妙化解躲避来自政敌的明枪暗箭。他犹如来自伊甸园的毒蛇,巧舌如簧,翻云覆雨,紧紧咬住所有人的弱点,以实现自己的目的。“没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益”,这句话在弗兰西斯身上得到最佳体现……

  Cards that won’t topple




  Say hello to House of Cards, the critically acclaimed new US TV drama series that, ironically, isn’t being aired on TV.


  Since most fans of American TV series in China watch episodes online instead of on their TV sets, it probably doesn’t matter.


  What is worth mentioning is the format in which the show was launched: the 13 episodes of the first season all aired at once on Netflix (a US company that legally streams videos through the Internet for a monthly fee), causing widespread discussion on “binge-viewing”.


  In short, it’s like the marathon run of The Legend of Zhenhuan on TV during the Spring Festival holiday. It’s a special treat for devoted fans who don’t want to wait an entire week until they can see the next episode.


  Now for the show itself. The story is about Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a congressman who has been promised the post of Secretary of State in the newly elected president’s administration. When the president breaks that promise, Underwood embarks on a campaign of revenge.


  Despite the big names, including director David Fincher (The Social Network) and Oscar-winning Spacey, I wasn’t fully taken in at first.


  Political drama is a tricky genre. Often it’s obscure and very slow. For those used to watching more exciting series, like Homeland, it can be hard to feel intrigued by, say, an education bill. But the more I watched, the more I liked the series; whether it was the beautifully shot scenes or Spacey’s excellent acting.


  Underwood’s goal is to quietly destroy the president, without having any blood on his hands. At certain points you wonder: how can he have so much power without anybody being suspicious? It’s a bit like the unstoppable Emily Thorne in ABC’s Revenge. But with Spacey, you somehow believe he could get anyone to do anything.


  Throughout the series he explains his plans by directly speaking into the camera ― a technique that has been used in many TV series, often to bad fect. But Spacey’s natural and skillful acting makes it work.


  One of the more common comments about the show is that “it makes TV network executives nervous”. If a TV series that didn’t even air on TV can do that, I can’t think of a reason why you shouldn’t give House of Cards a try.


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