


2017/08/14 07:06:56 编辑: 浏览次数:286 移动端


  Public transport rage describes the phenomenon that manypassengers on public transport easily fly into a raring rush hour. Commuters who are usually calm and well-behaved will argue or even physically fight each other in orderto grab a seat. The stress caused by rushing to work and being held up in traffic jams contributesto these outbursts. (Source: Shanghai Daily)

  公交狂躁症(public transport rage)指在乘车高峰时段,很多乘坐公共交通的乘客特别容易动怒。平时沉着冷静、行为有修养的人会为了抢座而与人言语相交、甚至大打出手。赶着上班的心理压力以及路上遭遇的交通拥堵等都是导致公交狂躁症的因素。


  For example:

  You may witness public transport rage everywhere during the rush hour, people are justcomplaining or arguing about trivial matters like overcrowdedness or someone’s foot beingstepped on.


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