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  《家族风云》Brothers And Sisters是一部以居住在加利福尼亚的Walker家族为背景的最新电视剧。这个家族中的成员相互之间纠缠不清,甚至一个个关系紧张。编剧试图通过本剧,折射出剧中角色在现实社会中的原型。这是一个充满了诱惑、欺骗和悲痛的人文故事。


  Brothers and Sisters 的取材角度正是当今美国人生活中最困惑的地方--总是面临各种压力、各种两难选择,总是想不断超越自我。Sarah(Rachel Griffiths),一个事业成功的社团副总裁,为了事业和婚姻两不误,选择回到家族来打理生意;Tommy(Balthazar Getty),对家族忠心耿耿,但是却喜欢整天偎翠依红,泡在温柔乡里;Kevin (Matthew Rhys),律师,一个同性恋,对爱情总是小心谨慎;Justin (Dave Annable),兄弟姐妹中的小弟弟,痛苦地与战争所带来的创伤和毒品做斗争;还有Kitty (Calista Flockhart),右翼电台的主持人,电视评论家,总是父亲眼中的小姑娘。通过这些有趣的角色,本剧想要揭示究竟一个21世纪的美国家庭究竟什么最重要,家中的这些兄弟姐妹在平衡各自利益的前提下,又该如何处理好与父母的观念隔阂?

  家族中的长辈是父亲William Walker(Tom Skerritt )和母亲Nora Holden(Sally Field)。父亲作为一家之长,一生颇具传奇色彩,他也是家族生意的总裁。母亲则是个固执己见的女人。其他角色包括:Saul Holden(Ron Rifkin)是Nora Holden的兄弟,一个花花公子;Joe(John Pyper-Ferguson)是大女儿Sarah的丈夫;Julia(Sarah Jane Morris)是Tommy的妻子;还有一个神秘女人(Patricia Wettig)试图整跨Walkers家族的生意。




  Brothers & Sisters is an American television drama series that centers on the Walker family and their lives in Pasadena, California. The series premiered on ABC on September 24, 2006, and aired its final episode on May 8, 2011.It aired, for its entire run, in a Sunday night timeslot after Desperate Housewives.

  The cast included a collection of award-winning actors, including Sally Field, Rachel Griffiths, Calista Flockhart, Rob Lowe, and Patricia Wettig. Sally Field has received both a Primetime Emmy Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance throughout the series. Rachel Griffiths has also been nominated for two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards for her work on the show.

  In May 2011, the show completed its fifth and final season on ABC.[2][1] On May 13, 2011, it was announced that ABC had decided to end the show.

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