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Cyberslacking rers to staff who use their work internetaccess for personal reasons while maintaining the appearance of working. That is alsoknown as goldbricking, "Buca-ing" cyberloafing or cyberbludging, and can lead to inficiency.
Instances of cyberslacking have increased markedly since broadband Internet connections becamecommonplace in workplaces. Many firms employ surveillance software to track employees&apos Internetactivity in an fort to limit liability and improve productivity. Other methods used to reducecyberslacking include installation of proxy servers to prevent programs from accessing resourceslike Internet Relay Chat, AOL Instant Messenger, or some online gambling services, strictdisciplinary measures for employees found cyberslacking, and carrot and stick measures likeproviding free Internet access for employees outside of working hours.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲