


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:221 移动端

  1. Give your realistic deadlines­ 告诉上司现实的截止日期­

  Give yourself a bit of extra time to get the job done properly, and if you get things done early, the boss will be impressed.­


  2. Get problems solved early­ 提前解决问题­

  Let your boss know immediately about any problems that crop up, he will be gratul if you give him enough time to solve it.­


  3. Don&apost be a yes /no man, be a good lieutenant.­ 不要做一个“唯唯诺诺者/否定论者”,做一个“优秀的中尉”。­

  Offer polite, constructive criticism, and do your best to see how your boss&aposs plans are feasible.­


  4. Personal appearance is important­ 个人形象很重要­

  Dress professionally, keep a breath mint and comb handy, and make a clean and well-organized work station.­


  5. Take the initiative 积极主动­

  If you see there is room for improvement, write a proposal and float the idea to your boss.­


  6. Respect your boss&aposs time­ 尊重上司的时间­

  Don&apost bother your boss if he is on phone or is elbows deep in work, and try to solve the problem if you can solve it yourself.­


  7. Take on your boss&aposs unpleasant tasks­ 接受上司指派的让人不愉快的任务­

  Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss.­


  8. Speak up at meeting­ 在会议上大声发言­

  Try to have at least one well-informed opinion about the task at han.­


  9. Put your boss at ease­ 让你的上司放松­

  Make a note of anything you and the boss have in common, and conduct a good relationship with your boss and co-workers.­


  10. Understand your shortcomings­ 认识自己的短处­

  Always be willing to learn a new skill to increase your personal fectives.­


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