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  Twitter is becoming the new job board. It is also becoming the new Resume. 推特(Twitter)网站正在成为新的招聘信息发布平台,推特信息也成了求职者的新简历。

  Fed up with traditional recruiting sites and floods of irrelevant Resumes, some recruiters are turning to the social network to post jobs, hunt for candidates and research applicants. Twitter求职者用推特与那些潜在的雇主建立联系。一些招聘公司厌倦了传统的招聘网站和潮水般涌来的不相关简历,它们开始把目光投向社交网站,在社交网站上发布职位、寻找候选人以及对应聘者进行调查。

  Job seekers, in turn, are trying to summarize their CVs in 140 characters or six-second videos. 另一方面,求职者也正努力把简历浓缩成140个字的推特信息或者长度为六秒钟的视频。


  Twitter, which was founded in 2006, isn&apost yet revolutionizing recruiting, but some employers are already using it to great advantage, citing quick, direct contact with candidates and access to broad networks. Bersin by Deloitte是德勤咨询公司(Deloitte Consulting LLP)旗下的人力资源研究公司,该公司的创始人和负责人乔希•贝辛(Josh Bersin)说,随着推特网站的不断发展,它在招聘方面的吸引力将会增强。企业已经看到了它的潜力,他们知道未来推特将变得更加完备,通过推特广告信息以及普通推特信息,招聘公司将可锁定正确的人选。推特广告信息主要指的就是招聘广告。

  The appeal will grow as the site develops, says Josh Bersin, principal and founder of Bersin by Deloitte, a human resources research firm owned by Deloitte Consulting LLP. &aposCompanies see its potential and they know that over time it&aposll get more sophisticated,&apos allowing recruiters to target the right individuals with both sponsored tweets─essentially, jobs ads─and regular tweets, he said. 另外一些人则对此表示怀疑。

  Others remain skeptical. Twitter起草一份言简意赅、只有140字却涵盖你的经验和技能的简历。首先,在推特上的招聘规则仍然不明朗:求职者是不是应该只发布与专业相关的信息呢?在推特上发布个人信息是否会影响招聘的公平性?如果求职者在推特上发起对话,招聘公司应该回应吗?

  For one, the rules of recruiting on Twitter are still unclear: Should job seekers only post on professional matters, or are personal updates fair game? Should recruiters respond to Twitter dialogues initiated by candidates? 此外,究竟怎样才能写一个只有140字的简历,或者,怎样用一条推特信息来总结自己的经历和个人特点呢?

  And how does one write a 140-character Resume─a single tweet summarizing one&aposs experience and unique attributes─anyway? 2月,波士顿的网络基础设施公司Enterasys决定利用推特网站来招聘一名社交媒体营销人员。该公司通过推特信息发布了这个职位信息,应聘者必须使用标签#社交简历#发布推特信息表达对该职位的兴趣。对应聘者的要求之一:在推特上拥有超过1,000名活跃关注者。

  In February, Enterasys, a Boston network-infrastructure firm, decided to exclusively recruit for a social media marketing position using Twitter. The firm promoted the position via tweets and only accepted candidates who tweeted their interest using the hashtag #socialCV. Among the requirements for candidates: More than 1,000 active Twitter followers. Enterasys的首席营销长瓦拉•阿夫沙尔(Vala Afshar)把招聘范围缩小到最后的15名候选人,他说,他相信利用推特网站来招聘是未来的趋势。

  Having narrowed the field down to about 15 finalists, Vala Afshar, Enterasys&apos chi marketing officer, says he&aposs convinced Twitter recruiting is the way to go. 他说,“我非常确定我将会放弃接收传统简历的流程。网络就是你的简历,社交网就是你的推荐人。”

  &aposI am fairly certain I am going to abandon the Resume process,&apos he says. &aposThe Web is your CV and social networks are your rerences.&apos 得克萨斯州奥斯汀GSD&M广告公司的人才招聘经理乔斯林•赖(Jocelyn Lai)说,她经常使用推特来了解应聘者。她说,“我观察对方的互动,试图了解他们的立场、在推特上最好的朋友是谁,以及是否有幽默感,这样可以对应聘者有非常好的了解。”

  Jocelyn Lai, a talent acquisition manager for advertising firm GSD&M in Austin, Texas, says she regularly uses Twitter to get a sense of a candidate. &aposI watch people interact, learn what their positions are, who their best friends on Twitter are, whether they have a sense of humor. From that you can get a pretty good picture,&apos she says. 尽管如此,大多数人力资源高管和招聘者还没有经常使用推特网站来招聘,他们认为, LinkedIn等其他社交网站更有效。此外,他们不确定他们要找的人会利用推特来找工作。

  Still, most HR executives and recruiters haven&apost embraced Twitter for filling jobs, finding other social-media sites like LinkedIn more fective. Moreover, they aren&apost sure their audience is using it for job-seeking purposes. 3月,人力资源咨询公司CareerXroads发现,在37家大型美国公司中,没有一家公司通过推特网站发布大量职位信息或者寻找候选人。但是调查显示,招聘者预计未来将会更多地使用这一平台,尤其是使用推特发布有关职位空缺的信息。

  In March, HR consulting firm CareerXroads found that of 37 large U.S. companies, none was using Twitter extensively for posting jobs or for identifying candidates. But the survey did show that recruiters expect to use the platform more in the future, especially for getting the word out about openings. 在某些行业的求职市场中,比如媒体和科技行业,应聘者和招聘企业都对推特的价值倍加推崇。

  In corners of the job market, such as media and technology, candidates and recruiters swear by Twitter&aposs value. 美国国家公共电台(NPR)人才招聘和创新高级总监拉尔斯•施密特(Lars Schmidt)从之前供职的Ticketmaster跳槽到这家非营利公共广播公司后开始使用推特进行招聘。由于人才资源更加紧张,有创意的策略对于达到招聘目的至关重要。他创建了一个名为@NPRJobs的推特账户。现在,他不仅用这个账户来发布职位信息,也在上面分享NPR的工作文化,在成员小站上发布职位信息,并通过提供职业建议建起了一个网络社区。

  Lars Schmidt, senior director for talent acquisition and innovation at NPR, turned to Twitter when he moved to the nonprofit public radio company from Ticketmaster. With tighter resources, creative strategies were essential to meeting his recruiting goals. He started an @NPRJobs Twitter account and now uses it not just to broadcast job openings but to share information about NPR&aposs work culture, publicize openings at member stations, and build community by offering career tips. 施密特说,优秀的人通常不主动找工作,他们也不一定会访问我们的招聘网站,但他们在社交媒体上。施密特去年雇佣的两个主要员工就是在他们关注的人的推特信息中看到职位信息的。

  &aposThe people who are great aren&apost always looking for jobs, and they&aposre not necessarily going to our career site, but they are on social media,&apos said Mr. Schmidt. Two of his key hires last year applied for jobs after seeing postings on the Twitter feeds of people they followed. 施密特说,招聘者应该与候选人以及潜在候选人进行互动,只有这样才能让这个工具发挥作用。他估计,自己回复了所收到的90%的推特信息。他说,那些只用推特网站来发布工作信息而不与他人互动的公司无法通过推特达到招聘的目的。如果你只是发布职位,那它只是一个工作信息发布栏。

  Mr. Schmidt says the interaction with candidates and potential candidates is what makes the tool work. He estimates he replies to about 90% of the tweets he receives. &aposCompanies that fail at recruiting on Twitter are the ones that only use it to broadcast jobs and don&apost interact with anyone. If you&aposre just posting jobs, it&aposs no better than a job board,&apos he said. 推特公司说,推特网站每月有超过2亿活跃用户。推特公司非常清楚自己的社交网络在招聘方面的用途。

  Twitter, which says it has more than 200 million monthly active users, is well aware of the network&aposs use as a recruiting tool. 今年早些时候,这家公司在旧金山总部联合举办了一个“推特求职研讨会”,相关的问题收到了数百条推特信息的回复。推特公司的发言人亚历山德拉•瓦拉塞克(Alexandra Valasek)说,推特的公共特性允许你与招聘公司和企业建立一种密切的关系,这是其他平台无法做到的。她说,发布一条推特信息比发送一封电子邮件或者打电话要容易多了。

  Earlier this year the company co-hosted a job-search Twitter chat at its San Francisco headquarters, receiving several hundred tweets in response to questions. The public nature of Twitter &aposallows you to develop a certain rapport with recruiters and companies you otherwise would not have access to,&apos says Twitter spokeswoman Alexandra Valasek. &aposA tweet is much easier to send than an email or a phone call.&apos 2月,前电台记者、求职者多恩•斯弗(Dawn Siff)使用推特新的视频程序Vine制作了一个六秒钟的视频简历。在视频中,斯弗摆弄着一系列古怪的道具,比如魔方、灯泡和一把武士光剑。她说她自己是一个创意机器,是一名记者、战略家、经理人,以及“截稿日绝地武士”。

  In February, job seeker Dawn Siff, a former radio journalist, used Twitter&aposs new video program, Vine, to create a six-second video Resume. In the spot, Ms. Siff, wielding whimsical props such as a Rubik&aposs Cube, light bulb and a light saber, says she is an &aposidea machine,&apos as well as a journalist, strategist, manager and &aposdeadline Jedi.&apos 这个视频在网上被大量转发,她在推特上的关注者增加了三倍,电视上也对她进行了报道。

  The tweet went viral, leading her to increase her Twitter followers fourfold and earn television coverage. 斯弗刚刚得到了一家大型媒体公司项目经理的工作。尽管Vine视频并不是她得到这份工作的直接原因,但她说,她的视频让公司高管印象深刻。

  Ms. Siff just started a new job as a project manager with a major media company. While the Vine video wasn&apost directly responsible for the job, she says that executives at the firm were impressed by it. 斯弗说,这是一个新的时代,人人都需要发出声音,人们想要留下自己的数字轨迹。

  &aposThis is a new era where everyone needs to have a voice, and you want to leave a digital trail of yourself,&apos says Ms. Siff. 然而,埃里克•怀特(Eric White)就没那么幸运了。怀特曾经是一名记者,他想要进入公关行业。他在推特上发了一个简历链接,但是由于他的账户只有几十个关注者,他的简历并没有引起太多注意。最后,他决定自己创办一家公关公司。

  Not so lucky was Eric White a former journalist seeking to break into public relations, who tweeted a link to his CV, but with only a few dozen followers, he didn&apost get much traction. In the end, he opted to start his own PR firm. 招聘公司和求职者在推特上找到对方之后,接下来就是传统的招聘流程了:应聘者可能会发一个简历的链接或是更完整的社交网络简历,然后就是电话面试或现场面试。

  After recruiters and job seekers find each other over Twitter, more traditional means of hiring usually take over: Candidates may tweet a link to a Resume or a more complete social-media profile, followed by phone or in-person interviews. 不过,在最初求职者与企业建立联系的过程中,职业资源网站TheMuse.com的创始人兼首席执行长凯瑟琳•敏舒(Kathryn Minshew)推荐使用这种140字的简历。

  But for making that first connection, Kathryn Minshew, founder and chi executive of career-resource site TheMuse.com, for one, is an advocate of the 140-character Resume. 她解释说,推特信息就是新的“电梯游说”。

  A tweet, she explains, &aposis the new elevator pitch.&apos

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