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S: For each thousand you invest, I will pay you with two hundred of enamelware a month. To begin in July and to continue for one year. After which time we&aposre even. That&aposs it. It&aposs very simple.
J: Not good enough.
S: It&aposs not good enough? Look where you&aposre living. Look where you&aposve been put. "Not good enough." A couple of months ago you&aposd be right, not anymore.
J: Money&aposs still money.
S: No, it is not. That&aposs why we&aposre here. Trade goods, that&aposs the only currency that&aposd be worth anything in the ghetto. Things have changed, my friend. Did I cal this meeting? You told Mr.Stern you wanted to speak to me. I&aposm here. I&aposve made you a fair offer.
J: Fair would be a percentage in the company.
S: (Laughing) Forget the whole thing. Get out.
J: How do we know that you will do what you say?
S: Because I said I would. You want a contract? To be upheld by what court? I said what I&aposll do. That&aposs our contract.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲