


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:299 移动端

  近日,一款女性夏季“防狼神器”――毛腿丝袜(hair stockings)走红网络。网友微博发图称,“穿上这条丝袜,双腿如同长满浓密卷曲的汗毛,防骚扰必备”。

  The stocking are being touted as “super sexy, summertime anti-pervert full-leg hair stockings” by a user on Sina Weibo, whoadds they are “essential for all young girls going out.”

  这款丝袜被一位新浪微友吹嘘为“超级性感、夏季防狼全包式毛腿丝袜”, 并表示该丝袜是“所有年轻女性外出必备品”。

  The response has so far been mixed. There are a lot of short “disgusting!” comments, along withseveral cute vomiting emoticons under the post.


  One commenter accurately summarized what is believed to be the most obvious concern here:

  “This will not only prevent against perverts, it’ll dinitely also result in preventing handsome guysfrom approaching you. When things go to the extreme, they can only go the oppositedirection!!!”





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