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  电影《绯闻计划》(Easy A)讲述了一个女孩奥利佛在学校里和众多男同学之间的喜剧爱情故事。行骗风格滑稽大胆,勾勒出美国校园的诸多生活图景。下面是小编为大家整理的关于大学生活的英语电影《绯闻计划》的经典台词。


  If Google Earth were a guy, he couldn&apost find me if I was dressed up as a 10-story building.如果谷歌地球是个男生,就算我打扮得像座10层高的大楼,他也看不到我。 There are two sides to every story.故事都有两面性。 - George is not a sexy name. George is what you name your teddy bear, not the name you wanna scream out during climax.- And by that, I assume you mean?- The stable and self-perpetuating end stage in the evolution of a plant community.- 乔治可不是个性感的名字。乔治是你给毛毛熊取的名,而不是你GC时想要喊出的名儿。- 而GC,我想你说的是?- 某种植物系发育过程中最稳定最永生的最后阶段。

  I just started piling on lie after lie. It was like setting up Jenga.我开始谎上加谎,就像搭积木一样。

  - What the hell are you looking at, Sister Christian?

  - Just a couple of admitted whores.-


  - 看两个承认自己是卖的。

  The principal&aposs like the captain of the ship in international waters. He can even marry people.


  - I can&apost decide if you&aposre a genius or a lunatic.-

  Well, don&apost they sort of go hand in hand?-


  - 两者有区别吗?

  She&aposs perpetually angry. She curses like a Somali sailor.她整个一愤青,骂起人来跟个索马里海盗似的。

  Jesus tells us to love everyone. I mean, even the whores and the homosexuals, but it&aposs just so hard.


  - You lt your glass slipper at the party the other night

  .- Yeah, and I got pumpkin all over my dress too.-



  I let you fondle my chest, and it was a glorious moment for you unmatched by anything you&aposve experienced, including cake.我让你摸了我的胸,这是你人生最光辉的一刻,跟你以前的体验简直没法比,连蛋糕都没门儿。

  Notoriety, for whatever reason, never seems to benit the noted, it&aposs only the "notees".


  How shitty it feels to be an outcast.


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