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1.Q: Will you be out to take my job?
A: Maybe in about twenty years, but by then, I suspect you&aposll be running the entire company and will need a good, loyal lieutenant to help you manage this department!
2.Q: What if you work here for five years and don&apost get promoted? Many of our employees don&apost. Won&apost you find it frustrating?
A: I consider myself ambitious, but I&aposm also practical. As long as I am continuing to learn and grow within my position, I&aposll be a happy camper. Different companies promote people at different rates, and I&aposm pretty confident that working for you will keep my motivated and mentally stimulated for several years to come.
3.Q: What is your biggest weakness that&aposs really a weakness, and not a secret strength?
A: I am extremely impatient. I expect my employees to prove themselves on the very first assignment. If they fail, my tendency is to stop delegating to them and start doing everything myself. To compensate for my own weakness, however, I have started to really prep my people on exactly what will be expected of them.
4.Q: You have changed careers bore. Why should I let you experiment on my nickel?
A. As a career-changer, I believe that I&aposm a better employee because I&aposve gained a lot of diverse skills from moving around. These skills help me solve problems creatively.
5.Q: If you knew that things at your company were rocky, why didn&apost you get out of the company sooner?
A: I was working so hard to keep my job while everyone around me was being cut that I didn&apost have any time lt over to look for another job. With all of the mergers that have been happening in our field, layoffs are a way of life. At least I gave it my best shot!
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲