

埃及军方“推翻”总统 overthrow.

2017/08/14 06:42:45 编辑: 浏览次数:332 移动端




  Egypt&aposs armed forces overthrew President Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday, sparking wild rejoicing in the streets [Photo/Agencies]

  Egypt&aposs armed forces overthrewPresident Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday, sparking wild rejoicing in the streets at the prospect of new elections as a range of political leaders backed a new political transition.

  埃及军方于周三推翻总统穆罕默德 穆尔西,引来一片欢腾之声,因多名政党领袖支持新一轮政权过渡,埃及有望进行新一轮总统选举。

  “推翻”政权在英文中常用的表达为overthrow/topple the president(government),如:Egypt’s army topples/overthrows president(埃及军方推翻总统),总统拒绝辞职而被“罢免”则可用oust一词来表示,如:Last week they tried to oust him in a parliamentary vote of no confidence(上周,他们试图通过议会的不信任投票将他罢免)。军方采取行动推翻政府的行为也被称为“军事政变”(military coup)。

  在此之前,埃及军方曾向穆尔西发出最后通牒(ultimatum),要求他在48小时内同意与反对派联合执政(share power with his opponents)。穆尔西是埃及首位民选总统(freely elected president),但执政一年以来,国内政局动荡(political upheaval)及经济停滞(economic stagnation)的状况引发民众不满。

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