


2017/08/14 06:29:20 编辑: 浏览次数:223 移动端


  1.Discussing Your Co-Workers’ Salaries


  Finding out a co-worker makes more than you never feels good, even if there are valid reasons behind the discrepancy. But no matter how you found out or how it makes you feel, bringing up your co-workers’ pay to your boss is dinitely off-limits — it’s unprofessional and will put your boss in an awkward position. If you want to use that information to negotiate a higher salary, use Salary.com or a similar site to find out the industry standard and present that to your boss instead。   即使你的同事的确工作出色、能力过硬,但是发现你的薪水没有别人高,你肯定不会好受。不管你是怎么看待这件事的,把它拿到老板面前去说,是绝对不可以的。这会让你显得缺乏职业素养,还会让你的老板感到尴尬。如果你想要和老板谈加薪的问题,那就去网上查查看你所处的行业的平均薪酬待遇,然后拿这个数据去跟老板谈,而不是拿同事的工资水平去要挟老板。

  2.Claiming a Task Is Impossible


  It’s important to let your boss know if your workload or a project is seeming unmanageable, but approach it carully. There was one story: the administrative assistant told our boss that her job was impossible and unreasonable. The problem was, several other people had already held that exact position, and had performed it with no problem. So instead of getting support and a lightened workload, the assistant got replaced with someone who could get the job done。


  3.Implying You Have One Foot Out the Door


  It’s courteous to give your boss plenty of notice when you’re looking for a new job, but there’s a fine line. If you’ve just decided you want to move on and are starting to check out job listings, stay quiet. Your job search may take longer than you think or you might change your mind, and once you tell your boss you’re on your way out, your boss won’t view you or your commitment to the job the same way again。


  4.Listing Things the Company Should Be Doing Differently


  If your boss asks for this kind of feedback, by all means give it to her — tactfully and constructively, of course. But offhanded criticisms of the company with no real solutions behind them will only serve to make you look unprofessional and uncommitted。


  5.Giving an Ultimatum


  Threatening to leave if you don’t get that raise or promotion may seem like a great bargaining chip, but this move is more likely to backfire than not. Your boss may tell you that what you’re asking for simply isn’t possible, in which case you’re forced to either follow through with your threat or eat crow。


  6.Oversharing About Your Personal Life


  Letting your boss in on some of the details of your personal life is a wise decision — it makes for a more comfortable work environment and may make her more understanding of your personal commitments. But don’t overdo it; your boss doesn’t need to know that you’re exhausted because you were up late fighting with your boyfriend, or that your hangover is making you unproductive. Too much information is unprofessional, and can start to sound like made-up excuses。


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