


2017/08/14 06:26:17 编辑: 浏览次数:303 移动端


  Picture this. You meet someone new. "What do you do?" she asks.


  "I&aposm an architect," you say.


  "Oh, really?" she answers. "Have you designed any buildings I&aposve seen?"


  "Possibly," you reply. "We did the new student center at the university..."


  "Oh wow," she says. "That&aposs a beautiful building..."


  Without trying -- without blowing your own horn -- you&aposve made a great impression.


  Now picture this. You meet someone new. "What do you do?" he asks.


  "I&aposm a passionate, innovative, dynamic provider of architectural services with a collaborative approach to creating and delivering outstanding world-class client and user experiences."


  Do you describe yourself differently – on your website, promotional materials, or especially on social media – than you do in person? Do you use cheesy clichés and overblown superlatives and breathless adjectives?


  Do you write things about yourself you would never have the nerve to actually say?


  Here are some words that are great when other people use them to describe you – but you should never use to describe yourself:


  1. "Innovative." Most companies claim to be innovative. Most people claim to be innovative. Most are, however, not. That&aposs okay, because innovation isn&apost a requirement for success.

  1. “富有创意”。大部分公司都自称有创意,人也不例外。但其实很多人并没有创意。而且,有没有创意并不是很重要,成功又不一定非靠它不可。

  If you are innovative, don&apost say it. Prove it. Describe the products you&aposve developed. Describe the processes you&aposve modified.


  Give us something real so your innovation is unspoken but evident... which is always the best kind of innovative to be.


  2. "World-class." Usain Bolt: world-class sprinter, Olympic medals to prove it. Lionel Messi: world-class soccer player, four Ballon d&aposOr trophies to prove it. But what is a world-class professional or company? Who dines world-class? In your case, probably just you.

  2. “世界一流”。尤塞恩-博尔特是世界级短跑运动员,奥运金牌可以为证;里奥内尔-梅西是世界级足球运动员,四个金球奖杯可以为证。但是,什么样的职业或企业才能称得上“世界级”呢?这个“世界一流”又该如何定义?你若自夸 “世界一流”,那未免太一厢情愿了吧。

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