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Be More Productive With Your … Career
1.Invite a coworker out for coffee. Wharton Business School professor Stuart Diamond recommends fostering relationships with colleagues whom you don’t interact with much normally—because you never know who’ll help you in the future.
2.Read an article about your industry …or the one that you wish you were in. The more you know about a field, the better your chances are of succeeding in it.
3.Enlist a second pair of eyes. Ask a trusted contact to edit your résumé and cover letter to provide feedback—and maybe even catch a few typos.
4.Shoot an acquaintance a “just saying hi” email. According to recent studies, informal contacts are better resources for networking and employment opportunities than close friends.
5.Practice public speaking. Do you have trouble communicating with coworkers and clients? For ten minutes, try talking to a mirror without using any filter words, such as “like” or “um,” which distract listeners. It’s harder than you think!
6.Take a personality test. Are you a people person? Do you work best at night? Once you know your key personality traits, you can leverage them to better advance your career goals.
7.Update one section of your résumé. There are plenty of overlooked résumé dos and don’ts that can be remedied in 10 minutes or less.
Be More Productive With Your … Daily Life
1.Look at photos of cute animals. Researchers in Japan found that concentration improved 44% after people perused pics of adorable animals.
2.Pack your work bag and lunch bore bed. This way, nothing will slip your mind during the morning rush.
3.Go for a stroll. Research suggests that taking a walk can increase productivity by improving blood circulation and alertness. If you don’t have time to head outside, a few paces around the office will also do the trick.
4.Prepare snacks for the week. Spend ten minutes cutting up fruit and veggies, so you have a quick and healthy nosh on hand when you’re rushing out the door.
5.Dump your junk. Spend ten minutes cleaning out your miscellaneous drawer, so you don’t have to waste time digging for items in the future.
Be More Productive With Your … Money
1.Automate your payments. You’ll never forget to pay a regular monthly expense if you automate payments for fixed costs, like rent or car payments.
2.Set a money goal. Whether you want to buy your dream house in a few years or pay off your student loans in a month, your money goal should be something specific.
3.Calculate your retirement number. How much money will you need to maintain your lifestyle in your golden years? An online calculator can quickly give you an estimate, so you can start to retool your approach to saving for retirement.
4.Create a new password for a secure financial account. Research indicates that a password that’s less than 12 characters long isn’t sufficient, so make sure that it can fool the best of hackers.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲