


2017/08/14 06:04:52 编辑: 浏览次数:141 移动端


  State media said Sunday that a well-known social commentator, angel investor and philanthropist who goes by the name Xue Manzi had been detained on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute.

  State media said Sunday that a well-known social commentator, angel investor and philanthropist who goes by the name Xue Manzi had been detained on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute.


  这里的soliciting a prostitute就是“嫖娼”的意思,另外也可以用to go whoring来表示。警方接到群众举报(tip-off)后将二人查获,目前,二人已被警方行政拘留(administrative detention)。另外,这里的on suspicion of soliciting a prostitute是“涉嫌嫖娼”,并没有被明确定罪。同理,某个犯罪嫌疑人(suspect)因某项犯罪行为被指控时,只能用the suspect is accused of killing his wife(他被诉杀害了他的妻子)这样的具体行为来表示,一旦法庭作出判决,认定罪名以后,才可以说he is convicted of murder(他被判谋杀罪成立)。

  薛蛮子是著名的天使投资人(angel investor)、微博上的大V用户("big V" users),是粉丝超过千万的公知(public intellectual),也是“网络打拐活动”(online campaign to battle child trafficking)的发起人之一。

  专业人士分析指出,此次薛蛮子被拘留,如其确系美国国籍,则由可能被处限期离境(ordered to leave the country within a specified time limit)或被驱逐出境(deported)。


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