


2017/08/14 06:02:25 编辑: 浏览次数:321 移动端



  In the tech-centered world in which we live, it&aposs inevitable that electronic devices might be periodically subjected to a bit of an overhaul, but what if our attempts at maintenance or improvement leave them worse for wear? This is the circumstance behind an action now described by the verb brick.


  The transitive verb brick rers to the undesirable action of causing an electronic device to stop working because of something you&aposve done to the software, usually when updating its operating system or adding a new application. Though the term is usually used in the context of mobile phones, it&aposs also possible to brick other devices, such as tablet or desktop computers and even games consoles. Devices are often bricked when there&aposs an interruption to an update procedure, perhaps because of power failure or because the user inadvertently does something which affects it. Such interruptions can partially overwrite or corrupt what is known as firmware, software which is integral to the device and without which it may not properly function. (Source: macmillandictionary.com)


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