

胖子们的福音 “看水果”也能减肥.

2017/08/14 05:51:27 编辑: 浏览次数:277 移动端


  Struggling to stick to your diet? Then make sure you stock up on fruit and veg – even if you don’t eat it .


  Scientists have discovered that the sight and smell of healthy food can help dieters stick to their weight-loss goals.


  In one test people reduced their chocolate consumption by more than half if they smelt a fresh orange first.


  And diners who started with a salad instead of garlic bread went on to eat a smaller main course – because the sight of the lettuce reminded them about their diet.


  Researcher Nicola Buckland said that when tempted by food, dieters should ‘take a few moments to focus on the sensory properties of healthy food, such as the sight and smell of fruit or salad vegetables’.


  She added: ‘Healthy food cues can provide an instant reminder to dieters. Or order a salad as a starter to help reduce intake.’


  Miss Buckland also recommended filling our fruit bowls and keeping the fridge well-stocked if we want a bit of extra help sticking to our diet plans.


  Even when away from home, dieters can prompt resistance to temptation with a piece of fruit or baby carrots. Or when eating out &aposorder a salad as a starter to help reduce intake&apos, said Miss Buckland.


  The study also found the fects of healthy food to improve dieters&apos self-control may be most benicial when hungry.


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