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Step 1: Dress the part


  Channel you inner glamour queen: think Jackie Onassis, Grace Kelly and Natalie Portman. Your clothes must fit, show off your shape, and be spotlessly clean and pressed, so out with the jeans, sloppy tees and Uggs and in with the skirts and high heels. Don&apost display too much flesh, and for jimini&aposs sake, wear knickers - koochy flashing is not a ladylike pastime.


  Grooming is also crucial - in every area. Nails, hair and make up have to be immaculate. It&aposs high maintenance, but as Helena Rubinstein said,“there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”


  Step 2: Encourage Chivalry


  When you are with your young gentleman, hold back a little as you approach the door, this will force him to open it, then naturally hold it open for you. Remember to thank him demurely as you go through.


  When it comes to sitting down, use the same tactic. If he takes his chair without holding yours out, stand just long enough for him to notice his mistake, then sit, keeping your knees together at all times of course. Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved you have brushed over his embarrassment and won&apost forget again.


  Step 3: Talk the talk


  All your good work could come undone if your mouth runs away with you, a lady doesn&apost divulge too much about herself or talk coarsely about the latest sexual position. Only swear if you absolutely must, try replacing offensive words with words like “Drat”, or “Heavens to Betsy”。


  Listen carully and flatter him when appropriate. Never play dumb, if you don&apost agree with his opinions say so, but with a smile as you state your reasons to curb getting drawn into an argument.


  Don&apost slouch, fidget, or drink too much - it&aposs not a good look.


  Ultimately the key to being treated and respected as a lady is to be cool, calm and in control at all times. And it takes a lot of balls to pull that off.


  Step 1: Dress the part


  Channel you inner glamour queen: think Jackie Onassis, Grace Kelly and Natalie Portman. Your clothes must fit, show off your shape, and be spotlessly clean and pressed, so out with the jeans, sloppy tees and Uggs and in with the skirts and high heels. Don&apost display too much flesh, and for jimini&aposs sake, wear knickers - koochy flashing is not a ladylike pastime.


  Grooming is also crucial - in every area. Nails, hair and make up have to be immaculate. It&aposs high maintenance, but as Helena Rubinstein said,“there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”


  Step 2: Encourage Chivalry


  When you are with your young gentleman, hold back a little as you approach the door, this will force him to open it, then naturally hold it open for you. Remember to thank him demurely as you go through.


  When it comes to sitting down, use the same tactic. If he takes his chair without holding yours out, stand just long enough for him to notice his mistake, then sit, keeping your knees together at all times of course. Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved you have brushed over his embarrassment and won&apost forget again.


  Step 3: Talk the talk


  All your good work could come undone if your mouth runs away with you, a lady doesn&apost divulge too much about herself or talk coarsely about the latest sexual position. Only swear if you absolutely must, try replacing offensive words with words like “Drat”, or “Heavens to Betsy”。


  Listen carully and flatter him when appropriate. Never play dumb, if you don&apost agree with his opinions say so, but with a smile as you state your reasons to curb getting drawn into an argument.


  Don&apost slouch, fidget, or drink too much - it&aposs not a good look.


  Ultimately the key to being treated and respected as a lady is to be cool, calm and in control at all times. And it takes a lot of balls to pull that off.



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