


2017/08/14 05:45:35 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:235 移动端

  More U.S. manufacturers are moving some of their production back from China, a new survey shows.一份新调查显示,更多美国制造商开始将一些生产业务从中国移回美国。

  The survey by Boston Consulting Group, conducted in August and released Tuesday, found that 38% of U.S.-based manufacturing executives who responded were shifting production to the U.S. or considering that, up from 18% in a similar survey in February 2012. The latest survey drew responses from 216 U.S.-based executives at companies with annual sales of more than $1 billion.Tim Hussin for The Wall Street Journal调查由波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)今年8月进行,本周二发布。调查发现,做出回应的38%的驻美国制造业高管正将生产业务向美国转移,或正考虑这么做,这一比例高于2012年2月类似调查中的18%。这份最新调查得到了年销售额超过10亿美元公司的216名驻美国高管的回应。

  About 13% of the companies already were moving production back or had done so, the latest survey found. About 8% planned to move production to the U.S. within two years, and 17% were considering such moves. Another 17% said they probably would consider moving production.调查发现,约13%的公司已开始将生产搬回美国本土或已经完成了转移,约8%计划在两年内将生产搬回美国,17%考虑这么做。另有17%的公司说,他们很可能会考虑转移生产。

  Scores of companies -- including General Electric Co., Whirlpool Corp. and Caterpillar Inc. -- have announced such &aposreshoring&apos moves in the past couple of years. Manufacturers increasingly try to shorten supply lines and reduce inventory by making products closer to where they are sold. Meanwhile, the surge in Chinese wages and higher shipping costs mean Asian production is no longer a no-brainer. The shale-gas boom is reducing U.S. energy costs, and some firms want to move production home to protect intellectual property.包括通用电气(General Electric Co.)、惠而浦(Whirlpool Corp.)和卡特彼勒(Caterpillar Inc.)在内的众多公司已在过去几年宣布采取这类“回岸”举措。生产商通过拉近产品产销地的距离,越来越努力地缩短供应链,减少库存。同时,中国内地工资大幅上涨和运输费用增加也意味着,不假思索地在亚洲制造产品的年代已一去不返。页岩气的兴起正在降低美国能源价格,一些公司想把生产挪回美国本土,以保护知识产权。

  But offshore production is still attractive for many types of work, such as sewing clothes or assembling smart phones, that require lots of manual labor as well as suppliers or expertise that may no longer exist in the U.S. Regulations and taxes also can be less burdensome abroad.但境外生产对缝制衣服或组装智能手机等多类工作仍具有吸引力,这些工作不仅需要大量的人工劳动,还需要美国可能已不存在的供应商或专业技能。再者,海外的监管和纳税负担可能也比美国本土要轻。

  The most important considerations in deciding where to put production include labor costs, proximity to customers, quality of workmanship, availability of skilled labor, and taxes and other financial considerations, the survey found.调查发现,在决定将生产转移到哪里时,最重要的考量因素包括劳动力成本、距客户远近、工艺质量、是否有熟练工人以及税收和金融财务因素等。

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