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Payscale网站(美国非官方权威收入阶梯信息网站) 的一项相关调查列出了全美薪酬最高公司的排行榜。以下是上榜的top5公司——该排行是根据不包括执行官在内的中层职员收入做出的。
1.Microsoft Median annual employee pay: $110,000
1、微软公司 中层职员年收入:11万美元
The median at the Washington state-based tech firm may be on the higher end because the company hires so many software engineers and other tech specialists (typically well-paid positions), says Katie Bardaro, PayScale’s lead economist. And the firm is willing to pay a premium for its workers: When other factors like experience, education and responsibilities are taken into consideration, Microsoft pays its employees about 17% more than other large tech companies, according to an analysis by PayScale.
2.Cisco Systems Median annual employee pay: $108,000
2、思科 中层职员年收入:10.8万美元
Similar to Microsoft, the San Jose-based networking giant is home to many highly compensated information technology workers and program managers, says Bardaro. Cisco pays its employees 9% more than what is typically offered by other large tech companies.
3.Google and Oracle Median annual employee pay: $102,000
3、谷歌和甲骨文公司 中层职工年收入:10.2万美元
Web giant Google and tech company Oracle tie when it comes to the median pay for employees. Their staffs include many Web developers, software engineers and other tech specialists, says Bardaro. But the companies stack up differently within their particular industries when other factors like education and work experience are taken into account. Google pays workers 17% more than other Internet search companies and social media sites, according to PayScale. But Oracle, when compared with companies that produce computer hardware and software, pays its workers a premium of only 3%.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲