

每个女孩的最好朋友 闺蜜.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:299 移动端

  周末陪你血拼的人是谁?是闺蜜。无聊时陪你八卦的人是谁?是闺蜜。失恋时听你倾诉的是谁?还是闺蜜。说到闺蜜的英文说法,很多人会想到best girlfriend,其实闺蜜还有另一种更贴切的表达,那就是ladybro。

  Hear some bad news? Call a ladybro. Have something great to celebrate? Share that celebration with a ladybro. Want to feel prettier, be less stressed, be healthier and happier? Spend some time with your ladybros.


  A ladybro may be your true friend and may be not. She is the one that spend most time with you besides your family. If you want to know whether your ladybro is true to you, just see whether she is there when you need her.


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