


2017/08/14 05:42:05 编辑: 浏览次数:434 移动端

  Two thirds of women prer working for male bosses because they are better managers and less prone to moods, a study has suggested.


  Many female employees also like having a man in charge because they are &aposmore authoritative&apos and &aposmore straight-talking&apos than their female counterparts. Women rated men &apostougher&apos, &aposbetter at delegation&apos and also more likely to regularly dish out praise.


  And men were also hailed as being better decision-makers and having more grasp of the business overall than women do.


  It also emerged four out of ten women who have female bosses believe they could do a better job than their immediate superior.



  The study of 2,000 women in full or part-time employment asked whether they would prer to have a man or woman as their immediate line manager.


  Some 63 per cent expressed a male prerence, while only 37 per cent opted for a woman. The results also revealed one in six women who currently work under a woman is experiencing &aposunderlying tension&apos between themselves and their boss.


  A host of reasons emerged for the male prerence including a feeling female managers felt threatened by other women at work. A failure to leave personal problems at home was also cited. Other issues included a lack of flexibility over leaving early or starting late.


  But despite the worries, female bosses did score highly on the more personal side of the manager/employee relationship. They were revealed as being approachable, more trustworthy and more compassionate in a member of staff&aposs time of need.


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