


2017/08/14 05:26:35 编辑: 浏览次数:292 移动端


  Thor strikes another winner


  The events in The Avengers had a big impact on Thor’s home planet Asgard: Loki is consigned to life in prison, Thor has finally given up on him, and Odin is more impatient than ever with Thor’s attachment to Earth and, more specifically, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman).


  With the memory of the alien invasion in New York still fresh in their minds, the avengers are seeking out trouble separately until the next incident that threatens the extinction of the Earth.


  So Thor, the mighty god who calls up thunderstorms with a big hammer, returns to Asgard, only to find that an ancient race led by the vengul Malekith is planning toplunge the universe back into darkness.


  Faced with an enemy that even Odin, Thor’s father, and Asgard cannot deat, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet; one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save the cosmos.


  Operating on a grander scale and with more humor than its predecessor, Thor: The Dark World has as much swagger as its title character and is among Marvel’s most confident offerings to date.


  With rival brothers Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) forced to work together and hash out their issues mid-battle, there’s a rock solid emotional foundation that offsets the jokes, although the two aren’t always smoothly integrated.

  影片中,托尔(克里斯•海姆斯沃斯饰)和洛基( 汤姆•希德勒斯顿饰)这对死对头兄弟不得不强强联手,于战斗中化解二人恩怨。尽管二人的“不合作”时不时会闹些笑话,但兄弟间坚实的感情基础却令人欢笑中有感动。

  Germain Lussier, movie critic of Film magazine, speaks highly of the movie in terms of bringing characters alive with big action: “So Thor: The Dark World hits the ground running with fully realized, charismatic and confident portrayals of all the characters involved. It’s dined by Thor being an ultimate hero and Loki being a mischievous villain.


  “That, coupled with plenty of Avengers-size action, laugh-out-loud humor and Marvel Cinematic Universe Easter eggs help make the movie one of the best Marvel films to date.”


  For Erik Davis, of Movies.com, the movie’s action sequences are “inventive, its characters are wickedand relatable”.


  “There’s so much wild scenery to chew on that if you’re any kind of fan of comic books and comic book movies, you’ll leave the theater with a big smile on your face,” he said.


  According to Digital Spy, another highlight of the movie is Hiddleston, who plays Loki in the movie: “Chris Hemsworth is on charismatic, physically imposing form once again as the hammer-wielding hero, but the film belongs to Hiddleston, which is all the more remarkable given how much of its running time he spends off screen. Additional scenes were filmed to flesh out Loki’s storyline, and watching the final cut you only wish they’d gone further.”

  《Digital Spy》杂志表示,该片的另一大亮点是洛基的扮演者——汤姆•希德勒斯顿:“尽管克里斯•海姆斯沃斯再一次饰演这位挥举大锤、有超能力且体魄健硕的英雄人物,但该片是属于汤姆•希德勒斯顿的,他的表现可圈可点,而这离不开他在幕后所付出的巨大努力。影片拍摄中为洛基加了很多戏份,为的是让该角色更加丰满,可看到最终剪辑后的作品,你只会遗憾地说:他们应该更深入地挖掘洛基这个人物。”

  Despite its occasionally bipolar quality, Thor: The Dark World is a hugely entertaining and well-written continuation of Marvel’s Phase 2, combining heart, spectacle and a clever lightness of touch.


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