

工作泥泞不在意 8招解决工作问题.

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  Stop looking over your shoulder


  When signing your contracts, make sure to find out company policy on using social media while at the office. Hey, it&aposs OK to check your personal email or take a moment to read through texts, but spending office time tweeting takes time away from your job. Make sure to know social media dos and don&aposts so you can stop stressing over what&aposs acceptable — and what&aposs not.


  Dress with style


  You&aposve got the job and know the company, so it&aposs OK to dress for yourself while at the office. Hey, that doesn&apost mean showing up in yoga pants is OK (unless you work at a gym!), but sticking with company style and showcasing your personal flair is a great way to feel comfortable while at work. This way you won&apost be worrying about your wardrobewhen you should be focusing on your work.


  Stop editing yourself


  Spending time obsessing over spelling errors and grammar mistakes in emails between co-workers can take up tons of time. When writing between those in your team, give things a quick spell-check and reread bore sending, but it&aposs OK if there&aposs a mistake here and there.


  It&aposs OK to say no


  Even though you&aposve just started, it&aposs OK to say no if things are getting out of hand. Sure, you want to take everything on to prove you&aposre awesome, but if you burn out, it&aposs hard to recover. Take things slow, be honest with your co-workers, or talk with a manager if you&aposre feeling pressured to do extra work.


  Ask questions


  Find a buddy that you feel good to use as your go-to person when unsure about office politics or day-to-day routines. This way you won&apost build anxiety over what happens at the holiday party. Make sure to let your new friend know how much you appreciate their help — but avoid entering into any office gossip.


  Let things slide


  Your email may be pinging away, but if you&aposre working on a deadline or focused on a task, let it go. You don&apost have to respond to every email the second it arrives in your inbox. And it&aposs totally acceptable to set up an automated email response on the days you&aposre super busy.


  Leave work at work


  In order to be the best you can be, leave work at work. Putting in extra hours during your downtime can get overwhelming, which may lead to unwanted stress at home. Make time to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy catching up on your favorite show or hanging out with friends. You&aposll feel rreshed in the morning and ready to tackle the day.


  Be yourself!


  The most important thing is to be true to you. No matter your new appointment, the reason you got the job is because you are who you are. Trust your instincts, be honest with yourself, and enjoy your new job. You deserve it!


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