

卷福很忙 卷福出息GQ盛典.

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  Benedict Cumberbatch suits up while attending the GQ 25th Anniversary Exhibition on Tuesday (November 12) at Phillips De Pury in London, England.

  本周二,Benedict Cumberbatch西装革履参加了在英国伦敦普斯拍卖行举行的《GQ》25周年庆典。

  The 37-year-old actor is featured in a new audio tape reading the poem “Flat of Angles,” which was written by Simon Cleary.

  会场播放了这位37岁男演员深情朗诵Simon Cleary的诗《Flat of Angles》。

  Also pictured inside: English actress Tamsin Egerton attending the GQ event as well.

  和他一起拍照的还有和他一起参加GQ盛会的英国女演员Tamsin Egerton。

  The world’s biggest premiere date mystery has been solved. Sherlock will return to PBS Masterpiece on Jan. 19 at 10 p.m.

  世界上最难捉摸的上映日期最近揭晓。神探夏洛克将于1月19日晚10点回归 PBS Masterpiece。

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