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The software that helps track a stolen mobile phone - and is IMPOSSIBLE to delete
A company has launched revolutionary software for tracking stolen mobile phones that is impossible to remove from the device - even with a factory reset.
Absolute LoJack allows users to remotely lock their stolen device, locate it, and delete sensitive files to prevent identity tht.
The company’s Investigations and Recovery Services team can track phones using the Computrace system, pictured, and will work with law enforcement agencies globally to get a device back.
And unlike apps already on the market such as Find my iPhone and Hidden, Lojack will survive a factory reset and full erase.
It is built into the firmware on Android phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet.
There are 300 mobile phone thts in London alone every day, according to figures from the Metropolitan Police.
Mark Grace, from Absolute Software, said: &aposSmartphone tht is a worldwide epidemic.
&aposWith Absolute persistence technology, the owner can activate the "kill switch" and those responsible for tht can be identified or located and held accountable.&apos
The unique software was able to track down a thi who stole a brand new Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone.
The Absolute Software customer had the expensive Samsung stolen in Minneapolis.
It was then reported to the local police station and to the software company.
Through the use of Absolute’s forensic tools, the team managed to analyse a number of texts, emails and screenshots which enabled them to identify the user.
The team then located the home address of the suspect and aided by the police, they visited the house the following day.
Within ten minutes of the detective being at the suspect’s house, the thi handed the smartphone in and it was returned to its rightful owner.
Derek Skinner, also from Absolute Software, said: &aposWe believe LoJack for Mobile Devices will act as an important deterrent in the fight against the rise of mobile phone crime.&apos
LoJack for Mobile Devices costs from £29.95 for a one-year subscription.
据英国《每日邮报》11月8日报道,Absolute 软件公司推出了一款革命性软件,可以帮助用户跟踪被盗手机。更令人惊奇的是,即便恢复出厂设置也无法将该软件删除。
这款名为LoJack的软件让用户可以远程锁住失窃手机,并对其进行定位,删除敏感文件以防身份被盗。Absolute的调查和恢复服务团队(Investigations and Recovery Services team)会进一步通过被盗跟踪服务系统追踪手机,并与执法机构合作在全球范围内找回手机。
与市面上功能类似的软件“寻找我的iPhone”(Find my iPhone)、“隐藏”(Hidden)不同,恢复出厂设置和全部删除等方式对Lojack而言是无效的,它被安装在安卓手机系统的固件上。
该软件可以用于追踪三星Galaxy S4等智能手机,每年仅收费29.95英镑(约合人民币292元)。其神奇功能此前已被证明名不虚传,美国明尼阿波利斯市一名三星Galaxy S4智能手机用户就是通过它在两天之内找回失窃手机的。
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