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  The Rise of Niche Online Dating Sites

  James Hancock wanted to meet a woman who shared his core values. But when you&aposre a strict Objectivist, it can be a little tricky. 詹姆斯·汉考克(James Hancock)希望能与一位志同道合、核心价值观与自己相符的女士相遇。但当你是一名严格意义上的客观主义者时,这件事就会有点棘手。

  Mr. Hancock is a proponent of Russian-American author Ayn Rand&aposs philosophy of capitalism and self-interest. At age 30, he had already been &aposlooking for a very specific kind of woman&apos for three years when Google searches led him to the Atlasphere, an Ayn Rand appreciation site with a dating component. 汉考克是俄裔美国作者艾茵·兰德(Ayn Rand)资本主义与利己主义哲学思想的一名推崇者。到30岁那年为止,“为了邂逅一位与众不同的女士”,他已寻寻觅觅了三年。这一年,谷歌 (Google)搜索引擎将他转至一家名为“阿特拉斯世界”(Atlasphere)的站点,该网站是艾茵·兰德推崇者的一处聚集地,并提供约会交友服务。

  There, he found his dream date: a woman who also wanted to do logical cost-benit analyses of every decision. Morgan Kontz 杰森•康茨(Jason Kontz)和摩根•康茨(Morgan Kontz),还有他们的宝宝埃利埃特(Elliette)。二人相识于“这里只有农民”。在那里,他找到了自己的梦中情人:一位同样希望在做每一次决策前都要进行逻辑成本效益分析的女士。

  A growing number of niche dating sites have popped up to serve people who think they know exactly the type of person they want. These include Farmers Only, whose 100,000 users may have been attracted to the site&aposs tagline, &aposCity folks just don&apost get it.&apos More recently, GlutenFree Singles launched for love-seeking wheat-free folks. 越来越多针对特定人群的小众约会网站已兴起,旨在为那些自认为对自己喜欢类型一清二楚的人们提供服务。这些站点包括“这里只有农民”(Farmers Only)网站,它的10万用户可能是被该网站的标语口号吸引过来的:“城里人就是不懂。”最近才刚刚兴起的“无麸质饮食主义单身族” (GlutenFree Singles)网站则是专为那些正在寻找真爱、拒绝麸质食品的人群建立的。

  Atlasphere founder Joshua Zader, 40, of Phoenix, says niche sites are more ficient than broader sites such as OKCupid or Match.com. “阿特拉斯世界”的创始人、现年40岁的凤凰城(Phoenix)人约书亚·萨德尔(Joshua Zader)称,针对特定人群的小众网站比“好的,爱神丘比特”(OKCupid)、“默契”(Match.com)这样的大众网站更高效。

  &aposIf you assume that maybe 1 out of 500 people is a serious fan of Ayn Rand&aposs novels, on a normal dating site you have a 1 in 500 chance of someone sharing the same basic values,&apos he says. &aposOn the Atlasphere, every profile shows you what you want.&apos The 10-year-old site has seen a spike in membership in recent years -- it has more than 16,000 dating profiles -- after two &aposAtlas Shrugged&apos movies were released, says Mr. Zader, a Web developer. User handles include &aposAtlas in Arlington&apos and &aposObjectivelyHot.&apos 萨德尔说:“如果你做一下这样的假设:五百个人中可能有一个是艾茵·兰德小说的铁杆粉丝,在一般的婚恋交友网站上,你只有五百分之一的机会邂逅一位跟你持同样基本价值观的人。但在阿特拉斯世界网站上,每一份用户个人档案都能符合你的预期。”身为网站研发者的萨德尔还称,这家有着10年历史的网站近年来的会员呈峰期增长──它拥有超过一万六千份的约会用户资料──这些都发生在两部《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》(Atlas Shrugged)电影上映以后。而用户的名号昵称则包括“阿特拉斯在阿灵顿”(Atlas in Arlington)及“客观性感尤物”(ObjectivelyHot)。

  He founded the site after attending Objectivist conferences, where the &aposopen secret&apos is that most people are there to meet potential partners. &aposYou shouldn&apost need to fly to a conference to meet people with your values,&apos he says. 萨德尔是在参加了客观主义者大会后建立该网站的,这类大会有一个“公开的秘密”:大多数与会者都是到那里去寻找潜在伴侣的。萨德尔说:“你其实不需要坐飞机去参加大会来与志同道合者相遇的。”

  The site was ficient for Mr. Hancock&aposs now-wife, Stephanie Betit-Hancock, 33. Her now-husband messaged her 12 hours after she first put up a profile in 2007, and proposed after dating long-distance for six months. 对汉考克现在的妻子、33岁的斯蒂芬妮·帕蒂特-汉考克(Stephanie Betit-Hancock)而言,该网站就很高效很管用。2007年,她的现任丈夫在她第一次将个人资料传上网的12个小时后就给她发了信息,并在进行了六个月的异地恋后向她求婚。

  Ms. Betit-Hancock, a schools special-needs coordinator, says she had been &aposkind of freaking out,&apos wondering how she&aposd find someone &aposrational&apos to date. She met a man at a meet-up group for fans of libertarian former congressman Ron Paul, but &aposhe couldn&apost explain why he supported Ron Paul and why the ideas behind his policies made sense.&apos 帕蒂特-汉考克是特殊教育学校的一名协调员,她称自己过去都“有点儿吓坏了”,一直寻思着如何才能找到一位“理性”的人约会。她曾在自由主义者、前美国众议员罗恩·保罗(Ron Paul)的粉丝小组见面会上遇到过一位男子,但“他却无法解释出自己为什么支持罗恩·保罗以及为什么保罗政策背后的思想理念是合乎情理的。”

  Mr. Hancock, an engineer, says he specifically wrote his profile to &aposscare people who weren&apost serious Objectivists away.&apos 身为工程师的汉考克则称,他专门花心思撰写了自己的简介以“吓跑那些非严格意义上的客观主义者”。

  They now live with their 3-year-old daughter in North Walpole, N.H. Their dog, Frisco, is named for Francisco d&aposAnconia, the mining tycoon in &aposAtlas Shrugged.&apos 汉考克夫妇现与他们三岁的女儿住在新罕布什尔州的北沃波尔(North Walpole, N.H.)。他们家的狗狗名叫弗里斯科(Frisco),是以《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》一书中矿业大亨弗朗西斯科·德安孔尼亚(Francisco d&aposAnconia)来命名的。

  Relationships often work best when people share similar core values and lifestyle goals. The online dating site eHarmony, for example, matches users by personality traits. Yet if two people are too similar, doesn&apost the day-to-day relationship suffer from a lack of fun tension and fresh ideas? John Tully for The Wall Street Journal 斯蒂芬妮•帕蒂特-汉考克的汽车牌照。当人们拥有相似的核心价值观与生活方式目标时,情感生活一般会进入最佳状态。举个例子,在线婚恋交友网站 eHarmony就是根据人们的性格特点来进行配对的。但如果两个人太相似的话,平日的感情难道不会缺少有趣的张力和新鲜的想法吗?

  Mr. Hancock says the couple&aposs shared Objectivist values ensure familial harmony. If their daughter doesn&apost want to brush her teeth, they both agree that she has to do it. &aposThere&aposs no back-and-forth or &aposwell, just let her do it this one time,&apos &apos he says. &aposWe know that if we don&apost do this now, it&aposll be worse later. So that&aposs logic and reason instead of just emotion and inconvenience.&apos 汉考克说,他与妻子共同推崇的客观主义价值观确保了家庭和睦。如果他们的女儿不愿去刷牙的话,他们夫妻二人都认为她必须得去做。汉考克称:“没什么可推诿协商的,也不可能说什么‘好吧,她不刷就不刷,下不为例就行了。’我们知道,如果我们现在不做的话,那以后情况会更糟。所以说,那就是逻辑和理由,而不是什么情绪和麻烦事儿。”

  GlutenFree Singles is the full-time job of creators Marcella Ramoya, 46, and Sheri Grande, 45, of Solana Beach, Calif. It has since attracted more than 4,000 users since it launched in July. 对来自加州索兰那滩(Solana Beach, Calif)46岁的玛塞拉·拉蒙纳(Marcella Ramoya)与45岁的雪瑞·格兰德(Sheri Grande)这两位创始人而言,“无麸质饮食单身族”网站就是他们的全职工作。该网站自7月份问世以来已吸引了超过四千名用户。

  &aposWe realized how stressful and awkward it could become to date someone who&aposs not gluten-free,&apos says Ms. Ramoya. There is the issue of choosing the restaurant, explaining what it means to be gluten-free and worrying about being seen as high maintenance. 拉蒙纳说:“我们意识到,如果和一位并不拒绝麸质饮食的人约会不知会变得有多尴尬、多有压力。”挑选哪家餐厅、向对方解释作为无麸质饮食主义者意味着什么,以及担心被人视为难伺候的主儿,这些都是问题。

  It is tiring to give the &aposGluten-Free 101&apos spiel on each date, Ms. Ramoya says. 拉蒙纳说:“每次约会都介绍一遍无麸质饮食的各种问题着实让人厌烦。”

  And then there is what can go wrong during a dinner date. &aposI had an experience where I ingested gluten on accident,&apos says Ms. Ramoya. &aposI came in with this sexy red-and-black dress, and when you get contaminated with gluten, your figure kind of changes and you bloat. So that was pretty awkward and embarrassing, and you&aposve got to cut the date short.&apos 在这样的晚餐约会中就会出岔子,下面就是一具实例。拉蒙纳说:“我就有过一次误食麸质食物的经历。我进门的时候穿着一袭性感的红黑长裙,但当你沾染上麸质食物时,你的身形就会发生这样那样的变化,而且还会胀气。所以那样的话就很 很尴尬,你不得不草草结束约会。”

  Shannon Roberts, 36, of San Diego joined the site because her gluten-free needs were a huge point of contention with her ex-husband. &aposMy next partner needs to be Mr. Gluten-Free. I don&apost care if he&aposs Brad Pitt -- if he&aposs not gluten-free, nope, not going to happen.&apos 现年36岁、来自 地亚哥(San Diego)的香农·罗伯特斯(Shannon Roberts)加入了该网站,因为她的无麸质饮食需求成为横在她与前夫之间一个巨大的争论点。“我的下一任伴侣也得是一位无麸质饮食主义先生。我不在乎他是不是布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)──如果他不是无麸质饮食主义者,那就绝对没戏。”

  Morgan Kontz, 26, met her now-husband on Farmers Only, though she grew up in the suburbs of Indianapolis. She had always been interested in farming and was pursuing a degree in agricultural education at Purdue University when a friend encouraged her to try the dating website. 26 岁的摩根·孔特(Morgan Kontz) 虽然长于印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)的郊区,但她却在“这里只有农民”的网站上遇见了她的现任丈夫。她对农作事务一直兴趣盎然,当朋友鼓励她试试该网站时,她正在普渡大学(Purdue University)攻读农业教育学位。

  &aposI enjoyed that it had a lot of people that were a little more down-to-earth and appreciated the rural, quieter lifestyle,&apos she says. &aposI like the idea of dating websites that pertain more to what we want out of life. You&aposre choosing that website because that value is very strong in you.&apos 她说:“这个网站让我乐在其中,那上面有许多这样的人──他们更为 实、更接地气一些,而且尊崇更宁静的田园生活。我喜欢约会交友网站的这一想法,即更多地与我们在生活之外想要的东西挂钩。你选择那个网站是因为那个观念在你内心非常强烈。”

  Three months after her first message with her now-husband, a farmer in South Dakota, Ms. Kontz transferred from Purdue to South Dakota State University to finish her degree and test the farming lifestyle. They were married a year later, in 2009, and they have an 18-month-old daughter. John Tully for The Wall Street Journal 詹姆斯•汉考克和斯蒂芬妮•帕蒂特-汉考克夫妇以及女儿艾迪生(Addison)。二人相识于安•兰德的推崇者聚会的网站。他们家的狗狗名叫弗里斯科,是以《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》一书中的角色弗朗西斯科•德安孔尼亚来命名的。在与她现任丈夫──一位南达科他州(South Dakota)的农夫首次通过信息联系三个月后,孔特就从普渡大学转学到南达科塔州立大学(South Dakota State University)以完成她的学业及考察体验农耕生活方式了。一年之后,也就是2009年,他们便结婚了。现在,他们的女儿已有18个月大了。

  Ms. Kontz is now a paid blogger for the site, writing posts about choosing a good season for a farm wedding or, more recently, the difficulty of dating during the harvest season. &aposHarvest is the busiest time of year, which means no dates unless it rains,&apos she says. &aposI kind of go back to being a single mom for a little while.&apos She recommends taking rides on the tractor and being &aposas involved as he&aposll let you.&apos 如今,孔特是该网站的一位带薪博主,负责撰写一些为农家婚礼挑选结婚佳季的博文,或者如最近写到的,在收割季节约会的难处。她说:“收割季是一年中最繁忙的时节,这意味着,除非下雨,要不根本就没人约会。我有一小段时间都觉得自己又回到了单身妈妈的状态。”她建议坐上拖拉机并“参与其中──参与到他让你参与的那一部分农活中去。”

  Farmers Only founder Jerry Miller started the site in 2005 after noticing that the isolated and demanding nature of farming meant that people were having trouble finding understanding partners. “这里只有农民”网的创始人杰里·米勒(Jerry Miller)在注意到农耕生活偏远孤寂、要求严苛的本质即意味着人们在寻找另一半时将困难重重的这一问题后,便在2005年建立了该网站。

  He recalls the story of a girl and her boyfriend who had discussed getting married. The girl wanted to raise horses, and, when her boyfriend remarked that they could keep the horses in the garage, &aposshe knew that was it. She knew they were not compatible.&apos


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